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Saturday 21 January 2023

James Carrion

The fella is full of crap. Yes, you can see how intelligence has used UFOs but he is ignoring a lot of reports by credible people -

HOW did "intelligence" get such super advanced craft in 1947? 1048? 1950? 1039? 1962? 

WHY have none of these advanced aircraft (remembering that the V1 and V2 and Komet and early jet aircraft were THE height of technology) been seen since? 

HOW did they stage the abduction of the three women in Liberty, Kentucky? 

It is ignoring a lot of reports that literally tears HIS theory apart. Going by what he says there has never been a genuine UFO report -ie extra terrestrial visitation which is all fine and good but...he needs to explain away (WITH evidence) Pascagoula, Liberty, the Hills and a whole lot more. 

This is why I do my research and ignore Ufology with all of its factions that have accomplished nothing.

Wednesday 11 January 2023

No Evidence. No Credibility. No "Disclosure"


I am quite sure that with all the fake disclosure and Elizondo, Mellon, etc, people have noted how the first "take control of the subject" rule was as smooth as silk: start saying "UAP" instead of "UFO" and get those susceptible to adopt this. Everyone literally dropped their pants for counter intelligence man Lu Elizondo who has admitted he was asked to apply his "counter intelligence skills to UFOs" and also admitted that until that time he had no interest in "UFOs" (yep several times he drops the ball and says "UFO"!

You Tube was filled with people who  are "pursuing the UAP question" -none of them active before the big (temporary) popularity of "UAPs" and since the big push and Elizondo and co. going quiet they are falling about at the seems while waiting for "disclosure" (again x23) -even esoteric subjects from the New Age 1960s on are being looked at and to be honest if theories and beliefs have not been proven after 60-70 years then the new UAPers are just kicking dust about.

Step 2, of course, was to turn those conducting serious research into UFOs the "bad guys" while they, who have lied and misled Ufology for years become the "good guys". And what happened? The absolute morons bought it -no real effort on the part of Elizondo (a quite bad actor to be honest) as he blocked and had his new minions attack and threaten serious researchers and even their families and in the meantime Elizondo pisses himself with laughter at a job too easily done.

Then we have Gary Nolan who spouts fakery and, if someone so much as asks him a serious question: blocked on Twitter (there is now a long list of people he has blocked on Twitter and elsewhere. He has no evidence and rather like Elizondo often finds it hard to keep his story consistent.

Nolan, Mellon and Elizondo have not produced one single shred of evidence just the usual "I am the good guy don't trust those UFO researchers -here is some more free bullshit"

The same names keep circling as more Messengers of Deception lead the weak minded worshippers of Ufology by the Bobbit. And then, of course, we now have them spinning -not saying outright of course just giving us a "suggestion" that there are no extra terrestrials but (oh gods not again) time travellers, multi dimensional entities and even some forms of "spirits".  Guess who everyone of these bunko boys quotes or mentions so that the weak minded HAVE to accept this crap? Jacques (the original Messenger of Deception) Vallee -who is also distracting everyone with a new book and if rumours are true a new documentary about ANOTHER fictional flying saucer crash and this time in 1945.

Ufology has now become fiction-fantasy.

Oh...and to add to all of this we now have Whitley Streiber:

“One reason that I doubt that aliens have flown here from someplace like Zeta Reticuli to study us is that the contact experience includes two seemingly disparate aspects: 1. Encounters with the dead 2. Encounters with nonhuman beings”

Right. Encountering the dead is likely fantasy prone individuals or persons entering an altered state. I have studied Close Encounters of the Third Kind/Alien Entity reports for 50+ years and I have never come across a case that seemed to be genuine (or fake for that matter) involving UFOs and encounters with dead people. That is outright rot.

Uh, well, if -IF- aliens from another planet one would not call them "humans" as that is an Earthly concept/term. Humanoid body form okay. If he means entities that are non humanoid then I have to say that every one of those cases that I have tracked down of non-humanoids has proven to be a press hoax, hoax by ufologists on other Ufologists or simply fake/altered state created.

This is something I have noted with certain "leading light celebrities". Budd Hopkins has been proven to have faked things and even accepted 'evidence' that he KNEW was faked to publish and present as fact. As a person who supported him in the early days is gives me no satisfaction to write this. For 30 + years he corrupted Ufological research -as has David Jacobs and others. There are people out there who will not accept that UFOs are associated with anything other than the fictionalised Greys which, as the late Ann Druffel pointed out, did not exist in Ufology UNTIL Hopkins and his work.

People are being led down false roads to be told they MUST believe UFOs and entities are multi-dimensional or some sort of spirit (the old Contactee stories) while also being told by THE person pushing for multiversal origins, Jacques Vallee, that a flying saucer from space crashed in 1945 ("Trinity").

Why should you not trust Vallee who mixes with all of this tight-knit group of deceivers from Skinwalker ranch to the "UAP" folk?


Think. Listen and read what these people say but look for evidence and I can tell you now that not one of these people has evidence and, frankly, in my opinion, no credibility.

Wednesday 4 January 2023

Some Things Strange & Sinister 

Ghost Adventures or Twin Paranormal?

 That was the question I was asked. Well, it's been three year (?) since I last watched the Zack Bagans Show  Ghost Adventures which as been so exposed as fraudulent that if you can get any fun out of watching it do but I cannot sit and watch more than ten minutes of it.

Twin Paranormal is the successor to the Bagan's money-spinner but there is one essential difference; extremely poor and bad over acting.  You see all the usual old tricks but now of course the team get full on communications with spirits and see skin-walkers and...well, I sat down to watch one episode last night but from the outset it was over the top stories and drama and the usual bilge.

A ball falling from the top of the stairs is the current fad it seems (Mindseed TV and even The Midwest Ghost Hunter -the latter some of the best comedy acting around). Sure "It's only us here" well, damn, I'll take you at your words (when Hell freezes over) and it is patently obvious there are other people helping out on the fraud entertainment. Also, in the 2020s you can rig up almost anything to move with an electronic trigger and even children can buy balls that move "by themselves".

How people are so gullible still I would say surprises me but I've seen the UFO cultists and its the same kind of stupid or fantasy dwellers.

So in response to the question: neither.