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Sunday 23 June 2019

New AE-CE3K Face Book Page

The new Face Book page means that people can contact me directly in private.

If someone wishes to make a report -old or new incident- then they can contact me via Face Book Messenger.  I cannot accept anonymous reports as those tend to be hoaxes and there are far too many of those out there.

 For this reason I -and me alone- will need to know a reportees real name but it will not be disclosed to anyone else without permission to do so. In 40 plus years I have never -despite a few newspaper attempts to offer me money for information- betrayed any witness(es) confidence. To do so would be unforgivable.

Messenger chat will be printed out for files but the message itself will be deleted for privacy reasons.

Your sighting/encounter may or may not have involved a UFO. It can be a recent or old encounter and if you told other people about what happened PLEASE ask them to confirm this as it adds weight to the report -again, strict confidentiality.

The Alien Entity and Close Encounters of the Third Kind Project is private and not associated with any UFO group or official body and is a continuation of the work that began in 1974.

Thank You.

MUFON and Robert Bigelow

This blog post is well worth readind and starts: 

"Spaced Out Radio, one of the leading and fastest growing nighttime radio shows, broadcasting worldwide from British Columbia, Canada, hosted Chase Kloetzke, international UFO investigator, and so much more, on April 5, 2018. Among Chase’s other accomplishments, she has been associated with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) since 1996. During the interview, she shared many of her MUFON experiences, and answered hard-hitting questions posed by SOR host, Dave Scott, regarding a couple MUFON issue

The first issue, which has been rumored for several years, dealt with billionaire, Robert Bigelow’s financial involvement in the organization. Did he or did he not buy MUFON, or at the very least, did he buy their files?"

I would note that there need be no US government agency need be involved in MUFON. If you have Bigelow and his money then he wants people who know their jobs and will keep quiet -ex military or intelligence people are ideal. So let's not get over the top conspiracy wise: people hiogher up at MUFON wanted money and they got it -and MUFON was sold.


DEBUNKED: Ghost Hunting Equipment

5 Paranormal Investigators Supposedly Caught Faking Footage & Evidence

Ghost Adventures: Reality Check -adult language

Some good points, however, the podcast recording of Arron exposing the show was proven to be a hoax.  There was a lot of name calling and claim and counter claim but the audio was so bad a hoax seems very likely.

Off the Rictor – Matt Moneymaker -Adult Language...but true

The movie Ghost Busters is NOT training....really.

The word is out "Hooper must be stopped!"

I find that offensive. It should be "Hooper-Scharf must be stopped!"

This goes beyond childish stupidity and when you have "paranormalists" teaming up with ufologists and cryptozoologists (these people all tend to know each other as they work hand-in-glove to spin out fabrications to keep that money gravy-train going) you have to wonder just what investigation and research work they are carrying out -surely not just "copy and paste"?  I can only guess that is how Adam Davies' book, Man Beasts, was put together.

And people have to be very careful who they have to jump into bed with:

In Strange & Mysterious Beasts I exposed the fact that stories coming from Cannock Chase that were promoted by writers who jump from UFOs to mystery beast to the paranormal, were known jokes and hoaxes at the time -the people involved TOLD THEM.

The fakery around the Owl Man of Cornwall is very well known amongst those people who continue to promote it as genuine.

There are certain names and blogs promoting new cases and you hear them mentioned it sounds alarm bells -fake witness names, witnesses who cannot be named even to other credible researchers. The line "....reported this incident to me and I have talked with -- and he/she seems to be genuine as far as I can tell" covers a lot of fakery.

On at least ten occasions I came across case summaries that were similar to ones I had looked into so contacted the blog/web site owners.,  They had no idea who the witness was or any other basic details: "ask --- as it was on his blog". So I messaged the originator of the story. Nothing.  Over and over again the same thing and if one did respond it was "I was told about this by a friend who looks into weird crap". Seriously, people post on what they call "Fully investigated" incidents that have no checkable facts but  "I was told about this by a friend who looks into weird crap" and, 'obviously', that friend has moved on and is no longer in contact.

Unlike my books, that are all fully referenced and can be checked by others -and I often state people should never just take my word on something but carry out their own checks- to avoid accepting what I write as "gospel".  It is the only form of peer review available but it ensures that I don't just write "Hammond told me this was checked by him and is true" and that's it. For decades I read "This photograph/image" was lost many decades ago.  So I checked the original quoted source (unlike the people who wrote and repeated that line) and..oh, there is the image "lost many decades ago".

I have found images and other items -often stolen by some of the Disreputables and claimed as their own work -including some very prominent cryptozoologists.

You see, I want to learn. I want to study the facts and if I cannot explain something I say so. If I can prove without a doubt what something reported as "unexplainable" was/is then I give the facts backed up by sources.

We are NOT living in a world where Sasquatch type creatures roam the UK. 

There are not many millions of "alien abductions of humans" taking place every year. 

There are no huge alien aquatic bases that are constant areas of activity -hundreds of reports of these strange craft entering and leaving the sea but the best the UFO 'hunters' come up with is faked footage?  

There was no UFO crash at Aurora, Roswell or anywhere else. 

Black Eyed Children were a creation of a newspaper reporter. 

The Thin Man/Stick Manor whatever you want to call it was also a copyrighted creation so how 'genuine' reports can exist is anyone's guess -psychological or hoax?

A gateway to Hell or portal to Hell seemingly existing in every American home is crap. Ask why it is the same places -open to tourism or ghost watches- on every paranormal entertainment show.  Stone and plaster fall in a near derelict building...well, that 'has' to be paranormal, right?

Poltergeist phenomena exist -I've seen that first hand. I have seen other things odd and weird things and I have even felt sheer terror when nothing was seen/present. Do I immediately jump onto the "You cannot explain this!" bandwagon or claim it was a demon or the devil. As with The Devil of Downend, if I can I confront something. To spend a life time investigating, say, UFOs, and the first time a 'UFO' is seen to away?  Again, I am reminded of an incident in which a group of police officers watched as I advanced on such an object because "That's your job not ours!"

Despite everyone else involved in these subjects I do not walk around in a silly hat, dressed all in black like some paramilitary nightclub bouncer because it "looks cool".  It doesn't.

I have read so many local and even national newspaper items about this or that group of "dedicated paranormal investigators" who were inspired by the fantasy fiction comedy film Ghost Busters.  Really?  And they explain all the "top notch scientific gear" they carry -almost word-for-word quotes from certain paranormal TV shows. Most of these people will fade away after a while when the subject does not meet their fantasy needs or something sends them into near mental breakdown (showing that they were totally unfit for the task) or it becomes clear that they were already suffering some mental health issue -I could cite cases but that would involve giving away who was involved.

I have seen and heard people "dedicated to the investigation and seeking the truth" run away when a "UFO" is seen to land or they hear what they think is a "ghost" or even spot an animal they cannot clearly identify straight away do like wise. Mounting 'expeditions' seems to yield more stories about gullibility, stupidity and drunken behaviour that about...sorry, what was the expedition for again?  Oh, of course, to get a book deal or on TV -anything that involves getting money.

What does real, factual investigation and research bring you? Not money -my bank account proves that.  Just lots of work.

I do not go out looking for fraud.  If I hear of a report and it interests me I will follow it up -if hoaxing or fakery is involved then I report on it.  

I am a sceptic in that I look for facts and I never declare anything fake/misidentified or otherwise until I have looked into it. I never ever assume that anyone is an idiot, mistaken or lying untril I meet or talk to them and look at the facts.  That does not make me a debunker who claims everything is a hoax or rot (read my books).

It was only when two paranormal groups admitted that they would not give me case information because "We discussed it and you have a reputation and we were worried" that I realised this was going on. Apparently a "lot" of ghost hunting groups were frightened of me and what I might find.  Ridiculous.  Then I learnt, via individuals involved in cryptozoology that the same thing applied there -I got people nervous.  I knew this about ufology because it is 99.9% fake and that is proven easily (as they knew) and proving fakery might mean them losing money from conning people -good.

So I am in the position of having all of these factions wanting to somehow drive me out or attack my reputation.  Firstly, I am not "in" anything to be driven out.  Secondly, as noted, everything I write and post about is fully referenced and I have made it my business to ensure that I am honest and do not hide things -I am a fairly open book so casting my honesty into doubt is going to be very difficult.

Why time waste like this unless these people are not serious.about what they are doing because it doesn't take them that long to make something up or copy and paste.

If you hear something about me or an accusation then don't just accept it like a brain dead amoeba -ask me.  I know,