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Tuesday 16 April 2024

The Bray Road Beast - FULL MOVIE (Paranormal Cryptid Evidence and Terrif...

Strange Aerial Activity

To avoid comparisons and negativity "The UK Skinwalker Ranch" as a description has been changed to Area Z.

Some information. The light(s) always appear slightly NNW and then move over what is open countryside with no structures. If an aircraft moves into the area the light(s) suddenly blink out until the aircraft has passed. In some of the clips you can see how the main bigger(?) light flashes  in various intensities and can also make sudden movement that the video does not capture -at one point it is at A the next at B.

CGH (the son of the property owner) has driven right under the position of the light and seen nothing until he has passed under then looks back.

Since these lights started appearing (along with other phenomena) the property often has an unmarked civilian helicopter fly over head and on three occasions hover some 400 feet above the property. About a month ago there was "A hell of a noise and I thought a plane was crashing" but when the owner went outside he saw a large grey helicopter (a Sea King with Royal Navy insignia) that was hovering low enough that he could see clearly all the details under the helicopter.

Although an investigator once observed the light and drove to where it was hovering he saw nothing until part way back to the property when it looked "quarter the size of the Moon". He stopped and turned the car to go back and the object vanished.  Cameras have been set up along with optical aids to observe the lights but on those occasions the light is either seen and then vanishes before any recordings can be made or will appear in the opposite side of the property and investigators grabbing their gear to run the the other side of the property have watched as the object vanished. 

A trail cam left outside the property is the only way to record what is going on and even hiding out in cover has proven fruitlkess with the light "seeming to play with us"