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Sunday 16 June 2024

"What Do You Think of the New Ufology Movement?"

 The answer to that question is that it was 'new' 40 years or so ago.

What do I think of the theories expounded by 'New Ufologists'? Egotistical time wasting and nonsense. There was very little new.

As a few of the new Ufologists have been named in connection with hoaxing but will not declare which cases or why they hoaxed I have no interest in anything they say or write having read as many books from them as I can stomach.

A good example was a case (I am looking into this so will not detail much) where three people observed a UFO in a yard and this was seen by a third party. There was missing time but some partial recall. Rather than look at this the 'new Ufologist' concentrated on one of the women whom he believed had psychic abilities as that fit in with his theory and the multi witness UFO...totally ignored.

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