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Wednesday 28 August 2024

The Rise of the Ufologist Debunker


I will mention no names as if you have been in Ufology long enough you will know who some of these people are.  These were the die hard "You CANNOT explain away these encounters!" and "We have physical evidence as well as highly credible witnesses" -those people.  

Suddenly, we find 25-30 years on they are explaining all UFO sightings and encounters as "psychological" or down to stupid people "misidentify" something that is an every day thing. Some, of course, do not move from their comfortable chairs and 'investigate' only using news clippings. 

Remember the SETI people and "possible alien signal" response: "It is not aliens. It is NEVER aliens!"?   With these -still calling themselves "Ufologists" to hide the fact that they are debunkers- people: "It is never UFOs!"   One of the biggest promoters of the UFO reality and Extraterrestrial Hypothesis still puts on the air of a respectable Ufologist but debunks everything -without referencing the fact that all of the encounters he investigated would be false or psychological including all the physical evidence he gathered.

Why have these people taken this stance? Let me give you a quote from Paul Garvani -Apothegms:

   "Man is Creation's masterpiece.  But who says so? Man!"

We have seen even people such a J. Allen Hynek pulled into the parallel  dimensions and other non explanations for UFOs and encounters and the main underlying reason is always the same: THEY have not landed and openly contacted us.

Well, as I have noted before, astronomers and others ignoring and refusing to investigate UFO landings and encounters does not disprove that they took place or were not real.  Do I need to pull the pin from a hand grenade and wait for it to explode to prove that it is a hand grenade?  Astronomers are trained in dogma and the few that are interested in UFOs will often hide away if an encounter case is put forward.  If you dismiss a signal from space immediately upon detecting it and declare "It is not alien. It is NEVER alien" then you suffer from FAR -Fear of Alien Reality.  "We have picked up signals in the past but so far none have proven to be from an intelligence so we'll study this one like all the rest" is more wordy but shows an open scientific mind not someone soiling their pants at the very thought.

With Ufologists there have been declarations of "imminent contact" in the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1970s and so on up to 2024. Ignoring the grifter claims, and ignoring the false "UFO waves" of the past and just looking at the reports on record we see species with an interest in Earthly biology -animal, plant and mineral- and really no interest in making open contact. It is this false belief that (for the sake of argument) if there are other alien civilisations out there then they would be drawn to Earth because....WE are here!

The unimportance of Earth in a galaxy with likely many millions of star systems is something that Ufologists and some humans are not willing to consider.  Why would Earth and humans be so important when we kill our own race by the thousands weekly, hunt and kill for no reason other than fun and pollute and destroy our environment and, if we are to believe credible witnesses including military men, in the past we have had no signs of aggression from UFOs or entities yet have fired weapons at them?

Yeah, sure, friendly old planet of self destructive, psychopaths -why wouldn't we be invited to join an inter-system federation of some sort. If I were an alien I would avoid the planet unless it was a routine stop off and sample gather visit while avoiding humans.

For the reason that ETs have not openly contacted (apparently encounters are NOT contacts?) Earth is an insult to these Ufologists or at best bad manners that have made Ufologists waste their time so they will become debunkers while still  claiming to be open minded.

Humans and Earth are very unlikely to be of high importance as we cannot even reach the Moon after 50 years.

Ufology is often very complicated.,

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