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Monday, 2 January 2012

Some Surprises....

When you write a blog you see the stats. Nice high stats.  However, you always wonder "Why isn't anyone commenting?"  That mystery may never be solved but a thank you to all those who do visit.

I like the fact that the stats map shows the blog is visited by people from Canada, the USA, a few in South America and some in northern Europe and, of course, the UK. But look at that spread across what used to be the Soviet Union and Eurasia. My traffic checker tells me there are a LOT of readers there.  Maybe I need to include more on the Almas, yeti, etc.?

But remember, even if your English is not great I'd still like to hear from you!

It's Monday? Really?

Having worked, as usual, through Christmas I'm glad to say that I am up to page 156 of the new book -Strange & Sinister: A Naturalists viewpoint.

What's in the book?  Well, a huge chaptter looking at what Ufologists call "Light Wheels" at sea, USOs, Sea monsters, giant squid and all things oceanic.

I also take a look at Sasquatch from gathering hard evidence down to the Patterson-Gimlin footage of 1967.

I'll also be looking at the whole "star child" hoax.

A few other things I'm working on but the book should be available February-March if the Mayans predicted its release correctly.

The other books are still available:

202 pages
maps, photographs
Ships in 3–5 business days 
Up-dated 2011 edition includes section on sarcoptic mange in foxes and treatment plus a list of wildlife sanctuaries and rescue centres in the UK. 
By the 1700s the British fox was on the verge of extinction and about to follow the bear and wolf having been hunted for sport for centuries. The answer was to import thousands of foxes per year for sport. But foxes kept dying out so jackals were tried. Some were caught, some escaped. Even wolves and coyote were released for hunting.
The summation of over 30 years research reveals the damnable lie of "pest control" hunting but also reveals the cruelty the animals were subject to and how private menageries as well as travelling shows helped provide the British and Irish countryside with some incredible events. The Girt Dog of Ennerdale is also dealt with in detail. 

Some Things Strange & Sinister

Some Things Strange & Sinister
358 pages 
maps, photographs & illustrations
Ships in 3–5 business days 
After more than 30 years as an investigator and more than forty as a naturalist,the author has opened some of the many files he has accumulated dealing with such things as.. The Terrifying EventsAt The Lamb Inn,The Ghosts Of All Saints Church,Dead Aquatic Creatures of Canvey Island,captured bigfoot like creatures in India -all exclusively presented for the first time and with new added research previously unseen. PLUS a vastly expanded section on Spring-heeled Jack! Photographs,maps,line drawings and up-dated to make 358 pages looking at Things truly Strange and Sinister. Cryptozoologist,Ghost Hunter,Ufologist or Fortean:this book has something for everyone -including the just plain inquisitive!

Some More Things Strange & Sinister

327 pages 
Maps, illustrations and some very rare photographs
Ships in 3–5 business days 
Follow-up to the hugely successful Some Things Strange & Sinister. For those interested in Ufology,cryptozoology,hominology,unusual natural history,ghosts and mysteries in general. The secret history of gorillas -before they were 'discovered'. Wild men of Europe, the UK and US. Hominology. Giant snakes. Amazons. The Giant serpent of Carthage. Girt Dog of Ennerdale. The Beast of Gevaudan. Crocodiles in the UK. Silent City of Alaska. And much more. Updated with extra pages and photographs.

The Tourist and the Gorillas

Some absolutely incredible footage of wild gorillas petting a tourist.  That said, the Silverback was not taking his eyes off him.  Wonderful stuff!