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Sunday 21 July 2024

It Really Is A Weird World Out There


I have been lucky in a way. I have seen as a youngster with two others, a large shadowy figure in daylight. I have witnessed a seemingly solid and black figure walk through a room where I was sat having gone to bed (and thinking it was my brothers visiting friend).

I have seen poltergeist activity and on two occasions in the presence of others.
'The Monk' is a story in itself. Looked more like a child of 12-13 but in a hooded sandy duffle coat -seen by others in the house and on one occasion I ran out as soon as it passed by a front gate which took 10-12 seconds to get to...nothing. I even looked into other peoples' gardens. Nothing.

I have observed "UFOs" (NOT spacecraft!) on six occasions and twice at close proximity.
I was also with my younger brother, grandfather, father, sister and cousin in Germany when we all saw an almost chimp like animal jump a heck of a distance into the dense forestry.
Also in Germany I observed at a distance as well as within 6feet of me a raccoon dog before they were even supposed to be in that part of Germany.

As a child (8 or 9) in Germany I fell through ice into a frozen (LARGE) pond and last thing I remembered was seeing the inlet that allowed fresh water in. Next thing I was about 4 feet away from the pond looking towards it as everyone who had seen me fall in were running over.Decades later still no explanation how I got onto dry land facing the pond -or why, when I got home soaked to the skin, I told my mother "I fell into a puddle"!!!

In Germany, just before my parents came back to England, they observed a large bright UFO over forestry. In that same area a decade later I am my family watched a large Zeppelin/airship fly over the same forestry. Amazing sight. One problem was when I learnt there were NO airship[s in Germany at that time.

And I wonder why I'm stuck looking into weird stuff?

As an add on...

Well, you know the saying "flies to (something"? I once casually met someone I knew worked in a shop and I could tell he wanted to say something and I said "And-?" he then said " You are the one who looks into all that weird stuff..."and then told me about what he had seen one day. 

I have had someone on a bus say "I read about you in the newspaper... I saw a very large cat while on holiday with my husband". 

Even odder I was sat on a park bench and a person started talking about the squirrels and I pointed to a tree and said that's where they have their little nest area. He then says "I was walking through here one night and to the right of that tree I saw this big white light moving about..." 

A friend even, told me of his and his then partners own encounter with strange lights in a house and...another person told me about a similar sighting of their mother's -ore lights in a house. 

My German family called me "Herr Professor" from a young age as I was always reading and observing things -"If a fly scratches in the other room he'll know it!" 

A LOT of people see strange and odd things but 90% keep shtum. It's a weirder world out there than you might think!