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Sunday, 23 July 2023

AOP Journal No. 5






The fifth Journal brings you the following articles -all fully referenced and illustrated: IN THIS ISSUE: 

Ufology: How Complex Must It Become? 

More Warminster Entity Reports  

Conil de la Frontera 

 Eighteenth Century Aliens? 

Harrison Bailey: A Classic Case of Ufology At Work  

CE3K/AE Reports: More Details Needed  

John Hanson’s Close Encounter  

The Flying Spectre of Natal  

The Bridge Abduction 

 1870: The First Ever UFO Photograph or Proof of Early Airships? 

 Did A UFO Crash In France in 1790? 

AOP Journal 3







The Journal investigating and factually reporting on Anomalous Observational Phenomena -on land, in the air or at sea. NOT a "debunking" publication. Formerly the in-house journal of the AOP Bureau.

 In this issue:- The Nottinghamshire UFO Crash of 1987…or 1988 p. 1 

The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ and Berwyn Mts. ‘UFO’ Crash-Retrievals p. 21 

Close Encounter…with a Boggart . 33 

Oulton Marsh, Suffolk –An Unknown “Classic” p. 38 

Questioning Stale and stagnant Ufology p.46 

Alien Abductions And What We Do Not Know p. 47 

The Rainhill Landing…Maybe. p. 51 

The Allagash Abduction -updated appraisal p. 57 

1978 Paignton School UFO Sighting

AOP Journal 2


Paperback A4 52pp Price: £5.00 (excl. VAT)
Prints in 3-5 business days
Taking a serious approach to the subject of UFOs
The Monster of Vizcaya -fact or fiction?
The 1958 Braemar landing scrutinised
Correlations in CE3K/AE reports that Ufologists have either missed or ignored
"Michelin Men" entity cases
The Alan Godfrey case
and the preliminary UK CE3K/AE Catalogue Listing



52 Pages
Price: £6.00 (excl. VAT)Prints in 3-5 business days

Technical and scientific based journal looking at what has become known as "UFOs" -including natural phenomena some not yet scientifically understood. This is NOT a sensationalist publication but will contain fully referenced articles and reports to help promote further serious study.

AOP Journal No. 4






 The fourth issue in the new volume of the Journal contains: 

Warminster UFOs and Entities 

Encounter with A Boggart and an Incident From Germany 

UFO Abductees and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 

The Huyton Humanoid : Multiple Witnesses And How To Get It Wrong 

The Case of A Strange Car Ride 

A Little Known 1950 French Close Encounter 

Older UK Encounter Reports 

In A Wallasey Garden –Another Lesson to Learn 

The Strange Aliens in Jardinopolis, Brazil 

"So what would you do if you encountered a landed UFO?

Do We Need A Privately Funded SETI –UFO Investigation Group

In Pursuit: Things Known and UNKNOWN






 Fact NOT fiction journal looking at trange creatures and stories from around the world 


A "Cold Case" Too Old? The Beast Of Faudiere –Mystery Killer 

The Strange Creature in Repton Woods 

Cry Werewolf ! and The Curious And Frightening Case Of The Hull Werewolf 

On The Scientific 'Need' To Kill A Sasquatch 

The Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy group has blood on their hands?. 

On Gathering Hard Evidence 

The Strange Case Of The Gotherington Gargoyle 

Photographic Evidence That Dinosaurs Exist 

The Monster of the Forest of Mouliere