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Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Trinity UFO Crash

 Jacques Vallee has fronted one UFO con after another. As already exposed on this blog. Vallee carries out no investigative work or real investigation but pushes his latest story while Ufology sits back and worships at his feet.


The latest con is the Trinity UFO Crash which has been 100% proven fake -but Vallee and Ufology still supports it as a true story:

"The astonishing story of the “Trinity UFO crash” -- an alien craft crashing in August 1945 near the site of the first atomic test, witnessed by two boys, carted off by the Army and hidden ever since-- has been presented to a wide audience in two editions of the book Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret, by Jacques Vallee and Paola L. Harris (in June 2021 and August 2022), and through promotional efforts spun off the book. In late 2022 and early 2023, the story reached a substantially expanded audience through amplifying treatments by Fox News Network host Tucker Carlson, writers Josh Boswell and Christopher Sharp of the UK Daily Mail, the hosts of various UFO-themed podcasts and platforms– and even a respectful spin-off feature story in the New York Times, written by Remy Tumin."

I would very strongly suggest that everyone reads the Mirador page for facts and PLEASE do not waste your money making Vallee and his posse any richer. Vallee has scammed Ufology better than anyone else.