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Sunday, 25 August 2024

I'll Answer A Question


To answer a question.

I started out as a teenager looking into the paranormal circa 1974. Ever since then I have investigated and looked into paranormal phenomena and, yes, I have seen "shadow figures" and witnessed poltergeist activity and haunted areas.

By mistakenly picking up Brinsley Le Poer Trench's book The Flying Saucer Story in the library (and I could not just hand it back until the next day) circa 1974 I also became interested in UFOs and particularly entity reports. Yes, I have seen "UFOs" but what I strongly believe are a natural phenomena.

Since a youngster I was interested in nature and studying wildlife and one the crypto side I witness a 5-6 inch long, fawn hair coloured caterpillar which to this day I have been unable to identify. Along with family members, while in Germany, we all saw a black, shiny furred creature jump a huge distance into trees. Primate? No idea.  I was also the first to see (twice) raccoon dogs in Lippe before they were officially identified there.

Yes, I have also studied what some call cryptozoology (as a naturalist) since the 1970s and I have several books covering some of those aspects.

So, after decades, I am quite qualified to t6alk and write about these subjects and have files on them.