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Sunday 3 October 2021

Who Is Going To Buy The UFO Fragments? Update 14 07 2022

 Well I offered the metal fragment up to anyone interested in buying and...nothing. I was asked about the other fragment that, according to the analysis, bore no resemblance to terrestrial materials?

This piece is up for sale too. What the heck do I need it for?  Anyway this is the matter Margaret Fry got the other sample from.

I am told -again- that my "debunking and sceptical mind" is witholding vital UFO evidence (of a UFO crash on the Berwyn Mts in Wales) -as proven on samples of metal Margaret Fry had analysed and were found to be "no earthly material".  See the image below.

The other item which Margaret Fry had a piece analysed from is pictured below.  Again, she claims that the technical analysis carried out proves that this is not of earthly origin.

And so I am repeatedly accused of "witholding vital UFO evidence" and I state that I am not. Yes, Margaret Fry had the pieces analysed professionally but my opinion is still the same.

Therefore, I am putting this out there: the first metal fragment shown above is for sale at £10,000 the buyer arrange for a courier to collect. The person buying does so and there are no refunds. Margartet Fry claimed extraterrestrial origion and had lab results to prove it.

The second fragment will also cost £10,000 and the same deal applies.

Offer made. Now get off my back.