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Thursday 17 December 2020

It's....Beyond UFO Contact

 I have just finished the final editing on my fourth, possibly final, book on Close Encounters of the Third Kind or CE3K. Each book has looked at classic as well as little known cases but each is analyzed and all the sources are fully referenced so others can also look into them.

I look at how Ufology has treated percipients in these UFO encounters and if I can dig up new material I will.

Before Skinwalker Ranch there was Clearview. Never heard of it? Well buy the book and you will. UFOs, CE3Ks, Bigfoot and cattle mutilations.

Harrison Bailey -rarely reported on but Ann Druffel used the title “Harrison Bailey and the Flying Saucer Disease”. Controversial case and with a hiont of racism aimed at Bailey. In a very chunky chapter I look at the case and, in my opinion, finally give a conclusion and it should wake up a few Ufologists.

There are little known cases as well as cases that are often misrepresented online. There are over 320 pages so there’s a lot to read.

That includes a look at what official policies therte are shhould a flying saucer land, the position of the United Nations Out Space Affairs office and I answer the question; “What would YOU do if a UFO landed in front of you?”

There’s a smattering of SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) too.

Book should be available soon!