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Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Chinese In Roman Britain, Ancient Roman statue head and Chinese Coins in America and Roman Coins In Japan

Image result for Roman soldiers

Now, for decades (me since the 1970s) old time "mystery" researchers have talked and written about ancient Chinese seals found in the UK as well as the fact that there was much further trade via shipping than "dogma historians" claim (because they are only taught and allowed to think what their teachers were allowed to and question anything you were regarded as a crank).

Roman statuette in the United, this would be too long a post!

But Chinese here in this period? Why not? "Indo European" and other more Western mercenaries were used by China to defend itself and Celts served with Egyptian, Roman and North African armies and the Vikings, Phoenicians and other sea farers sailed all over the place.

After all, the Irish, Welsh and others got to the Americas well before Colombus (who probably purchased his map from Bristol)

According to BBC News Online and you can hear more here :

Skeleton find could rewrite Roman history

23 September 2016

Two skeletons have been discovered in a London graveyard which could change our view of the history of Europe and Asia.

Analysis of the bones, found in a Roman burial place in Southwark, discovered that they dated to between the 2nd and 4th Century AD and were probably ethnically Chinese.

Dr Rebecca Redfern, curator of human osteology at the Museum of London, told BBC Radio 4's The World at One the find was "the first time in Roman Britain we've identified people with Asian ancestry" and it was "absolutely phenomenal".

You seeing the link here? Roman coins in Japan. Chinese people in Roman Britain?

Or the Roman statue head found in New Mexico in 1933?  Controversy still rages on how it got there but get there it did and pre-Columbus.

You can read about it on, ahem, Wikipedia but look at the work of people such as Vinbcent H. Gaddis.


(1) This is an extended and revised version of a paper presented by Romeo H. Hristov and Santiago Genovés T. at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archaeology in New Orleans, LA, April 22, 2001)

NEVER dismiss our ancestors as Hollywood style dullards -ask why a New World fruit such as a pineapple is on a mural in ancient Pompeii.  According to one theory to explain the fruit away the Roman artists were just dumb and wanted to add foliage to...pine cones. Idiocy like that is why we refer to "Lost History" -history perverted to the educational dogma to which anyone who wants to be someone in academia accepts.


Pine cone? Odd everything else is reproduced correctly.

“A large cache of Chinese bronze coins and a bronze mirror dating from 1200 BC have been found in Victoria BC. A Chinese stele (inscribed stone marker) has been reported at the northern tip of Vancouver Island. Along the northwest coast, many other hoards of Chinese coins and artefacts have been found. When the first white settlers arrived in the Columbia River area, they saw that the Wishram Indians had thousands of old Chinese coins that they had received from Chinese sea traders.

Chinese stone anchors of pre-Columbian origin have been discovered along the west coast down to California. Peanuts, a New World crop, have been found in Pre-Columbian sites in Zhejian (Chekiang) province in China dating from 2100 and 1811 BC.”

Always -always- use your own mind and research everything yourself!

Ancient Roman Coins Found In Japan

Oh.  What a 'surprise'!  I, and many others have written over the years about "lost knowledge" of trade and travelling between continents so now we are getting more proof.

According to Japan Times:

Ancient Roman coins unearthed from castle ruins in Okinawa

Coins issued in ancient Rome have been excavated from the ruins of a castle in Okinawa Prefecture, the local board of education said, the first time such artifacts have been discovered in Japan.

The board of education in the city of Uruma said the four copper coins, believed to date back to the Roman Empire in the third to fourth centuries, were discovered in the ruins of Katsuren Castle, which existed from the 12th to 15th centuries.
Okinawa’s trade with China and Southeast Asia was thriving at the time and the finding is “precious historical material suggesting a link between Okinawa and the Western world,” the board of education said.
Each coin measures 1.6 to 2 cm in diameter. The designs and patterns on both sides are unclear due to abrasion.
Based on X-ray analysis, however, the board said the coins appear to bear an image of Constantine I and a soldier holding a spear. Other relics unearthed from the site include a coin from the 17th century Ottoman Empire, as well as five other round metallic items that also appear to be coins.
The ruins of Katsuren Castle were registered in 2000 on the World Heritage list as part of the Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu, a group of ancient monuments and castle ruins in the island prefecture.
The coins will be displayed at Uruma City Yonagusuku Historical Museum in central Okinawa until Nov. 25.

Stephen Hawking warned us about contacting aliens, but Seth Shostak says it's 'too late'

Hawking made -again- a fundamental error in his "We should not broadcast to aliens that we are here" piece. As Seth Shostak points out, we have been doing so for 70 years, but even that is an error of sorts.

Radio waves and signals began in the 1920s and are now MANY light years out in space. Radio/radar testing and broadcasts as well as nuclear tests from the 1940s prior to 1944 will be "out there"

Far, far older civilisations than ours would have had their own SETI and spotted our Earth. However, the question is would WE go to a planet that has never seen peace? Destroys its environment at an alarming pace? If they are watching our TV broadcasts and listening to our radio it is far more likely Earth and Humans would be on a Quarantine list.

REAL science would combine SETI with investigation of high graded reports of "UFO" landings because if just one out of 1000 such reports -even 5000- was real......

Someone once told me (I hope he was joking) that I was the "Bernard Quatermass of UFO research". Well, I've not seen anything unearthly myself.....

It's a brief video so why not watch it?

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