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Sunday, 3 November 2013

Bigfoot Files: Almasty
The final programme and in the series and I have to say that the results of the DNA tests/theory were interesting as I've written about this sort of thing in the past -I am NOT giving the conclusions as I think people should wait to watch it themselves.

It was interesting that when Bourtsev questioned "the results" -in fact it was clear that his concern was that there might have been a mix-up in the samples he had sent- he didn't get much time. In fact, to have such a distinguished group of hominologists gathered together and suggest they were almost silent in shame at the results was very wrong.

Again, this was a travelogue but if anyone ever saw the amount of field work/papers and the material they contain on almasty habits/habitats and so on they might ask WHY everything seemed dismissed because the DNA tests were negative?

It is because this series was intended to refute the possibility of there being any mystery primate anywhere and because of the rather dubious provenance of the samples the results fitted perfectly.

Overall, this series has been a disappointment (the yeti/bear results were interesting) as we saw very little of Sykes and the series was built on his work and reputation.

People -including journalists I've spoken to on other matters- are already declaring that it has been proven the yeti and Bigfoot are myths coming from the minds of nutcases and fools. Tonight add the Almasty to the list of creatures 'proven' not to exist.

Attenborough: "I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real"

David Attenborough has in the past, Life On Earth, stated that there might well be gigantic squid and other undiscovered creatures in our Oceans and seas.  This statement of his belief that the Yeti might be a real primate-type should be considered very relavent:

Attenborough: "I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real"

By Ben Dowell | RadioTimes

The respected naturalist and broadcaster thinks the legendary Yeti could really exist and be living in the Himalayan Mountains

David Attenborough believes that the Yeti – or Abominable Snowman – may be real.

The world-renowned naturalist and broadcaster says he thinks the creature of Himalayan legend – which has a North American cousin known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch – could be much more than a myth.

“I believe the Abominable Snowman may be real. I think there may be something in that," said Attenborough, speaking today at a showcase of upcoming programmes on UKTV.

“There are footprints that stretch for hundreds of miles and we know that in the 1930’s a German fossil was found with these huge molars that were four or five times the size of human molars.

“They had to be the molars of a large ape, one that was huge, about 10 or 12 feet tall. It was immense. And it is not impossible that it might exist. If you have walked the Himalayas there are these immense rhododrendron forests that go on for hundreds of square miles which could hold the Yeti."

Attenborough, who was addressing an audience at the Saatchi Gallery to promote a second series of Natural Curiosities on the Eden channel, explained why the existence of the beast had not been proven up until now: “If there are some still alive and you walked near their habitat you can bet that these creatures may be aware of you, but you wouldn’t be aware of them.”


Read the full article at:


To get extra info and find out what has been going on re. the Sykes DNA tests check out Bigfootology: