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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Planets To Align Over Pyramids -And I'm The New President Of The United States

You will see the bullshit image above appearing all over the internet at the moment.  Its utter rote.

Someone with more patience than me explaind the FACTS:

Marble Mountain Bigfoot Footage...A Person!

If there was ever a better example of a video showing imaginations gone wild I cannot think of it. Some campers find a makeshift lean-to that is about man-size -nothing that would really cover a full-sized sasquatch. They find a 'fire-pit" where there has been no fire...???

So then someone points out a figure on the hilly horizon.  Here things get so over the top it's unbelievable. Even on the zoomed-in image you can see thyat this is a regular person with a rucksack low on the back but not to those who, without the zoom camera, see that "his" arms reach down past his knees. They do not.  Then we get:

"he's screaming at us!"  "He's jumping up and down...he is furious!"

 Some kid then suggests they "bag him. Tranq him"?? 

This looks exactly the same as the 2008 Russian 'bigfoot' footage -a person walking along.  You can see the over exaggerated claims for it being genuine here (please do not laugh too loudly):

According to the description on You Tube re. the Marble Mountain footage:

This Video footage of Bigfoot was taken in June, 2001 By Jim Mills the leader of the youth group "Campus Life" on the annual Marble Mountains backpacking trip. This is the longest know video of bigfoot ever recorded. In no way was this faked or some kind of hoax

The video:

To see comments on the internet such as:

“This is the longest Bigfoot video footage on record”

Is incredible. It is a regular person walking along –NO JUMPING UP AND DOWN or SHAKING A FIST at the observers who must have been tiny to the person involved from his/her distance away.

New Bigfoot Video

 A couple of friends went camping in Provo Canyon, near Squaw Peak and Little Rock Canyon Overlook. They thought they saw a bear, until the monster stood up and looked right at them.

Here is the footage:

The internet news story:

A Utah man camping in Provo Canyon caught sight of what he claims was a black creature in the woods on Sunday.

The hikers who captured the accompanying footage recently in Utah's Provo Canyon seemed to act appropriately: They bolted through the woods, with the camera still running, to get as far away from the creature as possible. The video’s description, named “Provo Canyon Bigfoot Encounter?” on YouTube, says the man was camping near Squaw Peak and Little Rock Canyon Overlook when they saw deer up on the hill.

Naturally, skeptics are analyzing the video in the hopes of finding an explanation. Yet even healthy cynics are pretty impressed with what they see. They note that the witnesses don't appear to be acting. If they were, the skeptics say, they'd likely be a lot more vocal, and fall into the overacting trap.They also didn't stick around to get a great shot, which also rings of a very natural reaction, but didn't help when it came to capturing a better image.

“We had actually been standing there for awhile. We had thought it was a bear up to that point but when it stood up and looked at us it was just massive animal,” said the video’s uploader, who goes by the name 'Beard Card' on YouTube. He did not want his real name to be made public.

Nevertheless, the shot of what clearly looks like the animal's big broad arms is extremely compelling, which is why  Max Roth of Fox 13 caught up with Beard Card to talk about the incredible encounter.
The U.S. Wildlife control says it is all fake; If it was a bear it would have charged at the hikers when they started to run. If it was a so called 'bigfoot', it would had charged them because it would have the same similarities of a killing instinct of a bear when being approached or ran from, and just the same with a gorilla when being violated or when it feels threatened.

Personally, I go for fake at the moment. There are far too many videos 'of' Bigfoot in which the videographer starts running away. In this case 'whatever' gets up and moves AWAY from the videographer who runs off. 

Look at the image below -"it" is turning and moving away. Arm proportion looks nice BUT this is yet another blurry blobsquatch.

It was MOVING AWAY and had made no hostile action or vocalisation -so why run as though it is chasing you?  Most outdoor people know that you DO NOT run from a wild animal as that makes you in "prey mode".

Sopmething stinks.