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Saturday, 29 December 2018

In Case You Need Convincing

The following page and word count for the prose books ought to prove how much work went into each:

Some Things Strange & Sinister   330pp   92,979 words

Some More Things Strange & Sinister  322pp  96,931 words

Pursuing The Strange & Weird       240pp  66, 911 words

The Bizarre Legend & Crimes of Spring Heeled Jack   54pp  19,138 words

Red Paper:Canids   202pp  67,261 words

The Girt Dog of Ennerdale  42pp    13,527 words

Strange & Mysterious Beasts   324 pp  70,539 words

UFO Contacts:Looking At The Evidence 530pp  171,972 words

Unidentified –Identified  220pp  73,671 words

Contact! Encounters with Extra Terrestrial Entities?  370pp  140,865 words

The Hooper Interviews  365pp   78,672 words

Total Word Count: 824,555

Of course that does not include the hundreds of images -some very rare of thought to have been lost 100-120 years ago, illustrations and countless reference and everything is factual -no lies or twisting facts to sell the book like most authors dealing with "World Mysteries"

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Contact! Encounters with Extra Terrestrial Entities?

Special Limited Offer!


The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) says that we may have to wait many thousands of years before any signals sent gets a response if they are detected.

The real SETI may already have established the there is alien life –and it has been visiting Earth for at least 70 years.

Once the mass of reports of 
Close Encounters of the Third Kind and entity encounters are sifted there remains a strong core of cases that defy logical explanation and suggest that these encounters have resulted in physiological effects and post traumatic stress.

Terry Hooper-Scharf of the CE3K/AE Project has led research into these reports for over 40 years and in this work takes a look at rare or obscure reports as well as cataloguing encounters from Germany and Portugal and focuses in on correlations in the reports and how the Dandenong (Kelly Cahill) encounter could be the best case ever reported.

Have the serious investigators and researchers looking into UFOs been unearthing better evidence of extra terrestrial life and contact with humans than established SETI ?

Product DetailsCopyright Terry Hooper-Scharf (Standard Copyright Licence)
Edition First
Terry Hooper-Scharf/Black Tower Comics & Books
Published 26 December 2018
Language English
Pages 370
Binding  Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 1.03 kg
Dimensions (centimetres)  20.98 wide x 29.69 tall (A4)

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

"THIS PLANET WILL BE THEIRS." David Jacobs on the Richard Dolan Show. De...

Here we see what has destroyed ufology. Egotistical flim-flam men who promote and brush up each others egoes and get praise from the people watching this.  Note that none of the exposed negative aspects of Jacobs work.  just as these people will not expose the fact that Budd Hopkins altered, changed, did not disclose evidence that did not back up his theories.

This is all about self promotion and selling the schmucks books and merchandise. Jacobs is talking nonsense because he states 'facts' that he then proves are not facts by stating other points.

Without Hopkins, Mack and Jacobs the whole "Grey" abduction phenomenon falls to pieces. Listen to what Jacobs says -he contradicts himself.  He also babbles and makes no sense at times.

Science fiction pushed as fact.

Cumberland Basin Creature

Joshua Lacheln, whom I know personally, rushed around to see me having taken photographs of something "Really ****** weird!"

Joshua was with his wife taking photographs around the Cumberland Basin area of Bristol at 07:00 hrs when his wife pointed to steps leading up from the Basin onto the motorway. A couple of cyclists (seen in the photo) were looking down at something and Joshua thought it was plastic sheeting they were looking at and that undulating movements were due to a breeze blowing it.  However there was no breeze so he got closer and realised that the 'plastic' was moving a sort of 'arm'.

As whatever it was moved downward Joshua and his wife noticed an 'arm' that seemed to be feeling each step as it moved down and another moved through the side of the rails. Joshua's wife was semi shocked but shouted to him: "Joshua -photograph it or no one will believe this!" As he aimed his camera the thing on the steps seemed to "sit up" for a few seconds and he felt it was looking at him and his wife. 

Joshua just started taking photographs -some twenty in total, however, he was so scared that he was fumbling and only three came out any good and the others are blurred and not well focussed.

As whatever it was got to the platform step it raised itself up before the 'arms' grabbed the rail and it pulled itself over -the arms then stretched so that the thing lowered itself slowly onto the dock. It then undulated towards the water of the Bristol Channel and "fell in" and was observed moving quite fast in the water until it submerged and was no longer seen. "In the third photo you can see that the cyclists were turning and looking back at the steps.  They just seemed stunned and when we called out to them and asked if they had seen the thing the man shook his head and waved his hands and shouted 'We're not getting involved!' and then literally ran along the road -they seemed not to remember they had their bikes and that would have got them out of there fast!"

What is it? I have no idea and at first I thought it was a joke but Joshua was still shaken and you can seen protrubrences all over the body -if you can call it that. I'm stumped but will be paying a visit to the area tomorrow!

(c)2019 A J  Lacheln 

Invasion: UFO Encounters and Alien Beings

Sunday, 23 December 2018


2018 comes to a close and the deeback/comments on this blog has not gone above zero -though a good few bloggers steal information from here and call it their own work.

The prose books have not sold -even the AOP Journal launched at a low price in October has not sold a single copy.

In late January, 2019 this blog will close because I['m not paid to do this and why have new findings stolen along with credit.  All findings are going in my books so that there is at least a published record.

Thank you for your lack of support

Thursday, 13 December 2018

1984 Shropshire Abduction Case

This came from Johan Gustavsson of the AFU and if anyone has any information on this case please let me know

We recently found this somewhat intriguing abduction story in the Creighton archive at AFU.

It is a rather thoroughly described missing time story with delayed recollection of a typical abduction and some peculiar aftereffects. However as far as I can se the report is so far unpublished and have only been sent to Harry Challenger and possibly a few other researchers as well. The correspondence is attached below. 

"To make a long story short the witness name is P--- E----- and he encountered a vertically oriented cigar shaped object in a wooded area in Shropshire in 1984. When returning home after the encounter he realized a whole day had passed. Later he recalled the typical abduction scenario during therapy sessions (no mention of hypnosis though) and some time later he started to develop some lasting physiological symptoms which he connected with the incident. The most prominent was that hes genitals shrunk and he became impotent but there where also more common effects such as nausea, rashes, loose of weight and hair loose. He later meet a woman named Zoyra on a number of occasions who seemed to know about the incident and the aftereffects without the witness having told anyone but hes therapist about it. "

 The letters are dated in 2006 but the recipient is not clearly included in all sections of the correspondence. 

Al the best
/Johan G

Monday, 10 December 2018

Nasa craft shows tiny asteroid studded with boulders

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Nasa craft shows tiny asteroid studded with boulders

Scientists have released the first data collected since their spacecraft Osiris-Rex hooked up last week with the asteroid Bennu.
Nasa’s first look at a tiny asteroid shows the space rock is more moist and studded with boulders than originally thought.
Scientists released the first morsels of data collected since their spacecraft Osiris-Rex hooked up last week with the asteroid Bennu, which is only about three blocks wide and weighs about 80 million tons.
Bennu regularly crosses Earth’s orbit and will come perilously close in about 150 years.

Data collected by @OSIRISREx's approach to asteroid has revealed water locked inside. The mission team aimed three instruments towards Bennu during the approach and began making these first scientific observations. Learn more: 

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There is no liquid water on the asteroid, but there is plenty of it in the form of wet clay.
Project scientist Dante Lauretta of the University of Arizona said the blueish space rock is “a little more rugged of an environment than we expected” with hundreds of 10-metre boulders, instead of just one or two.
There’s also a bigger 50-metre boulder which looks like two cones put together with a bulge on its waistline.
“There’s evidence of liquid water in Bennu’s past,” said Nasa scientist Amy Simon. “This is great news. This is a surprise.”

Just what shape is asteroid ? Now we know, thanks to our @OSIRISREx mission. This new shape model was created from images taken by the spacecraft's PolyCam camera during approach toward Bennu. It shows features as small as six meters: 

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Scientists think Bennu is a leftover from the beginning of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago when planets tried to form and some failed.
Mr Lauretta said it looks like Bennu was once a chunk of a bigger asteroid that probably had water in it.
When Osiris-Rex starts orbiting Bennu in January — no easy feat since its gravity is 100,000 times less than Earth’s — it will be the smallest object that a human-made spacecraft has circled.
Scientists will spend a year scouting the space rock for a good location and then in 2020 it will dive close to the surface and a robotic arm will shoot nitrogen puffs into the soil and collect grains of dirt.
Those asteroid bits will be returned to Earth in 2023.
The 800 million dollar (£636 million) Osiris-Rex mission began with a 2016 launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Its odometer read 1.2 billion miles last week.
The spacecraft and asteroid names come from Egyptian mythology. Osiris is the god of the afterlife, while Bennu represents the heron and creation.


TALK IS CHEAP [EP089] Stardust Ranch


Thursday, 6 December 2018

Fossil preserves 'sea monster' blubber and skin

Ichthyosaur specimenImage copyrightJOHAN LINDGREN
Image captionThe fossil ichthyosaur comes from the Holzmaden quarry in south-west Germany
Scientists have identified fossilised blubber from an ancient marine reptile that lived 180 million years ago.
Blubber is a thick layer of fat found under the skin of modern marine mammals such as whales.
Its discovery in this ancient "sea monster" - an ichthyosaur - appears to confirm the animal was warm-blooded, a rarity in reptiles.
The preserved skin is smooth, like that of whales or dolphins. It had lost the scales characteristic of its ancestors.
The ichthyosaur's outer layer is still somewhat flexible and retains evidence of the animal's camouflage pattern.
The reptile was counter-shaded - darker on the upper side and light on the underside. This counter-balances the shading effects of natural light, making the animal more difficult to see.
"Ichthyosaurs are interesting because they have many traits in common with dolphins, but are not at all closely related to those sea-dwelling mammals," said co-author Mary Schweitzer, professor of biological sciences at North Carolina State University (NCSU).
Their similar appearance suggests that ichthyosaurs and whales evolved similar strategies to adapt to marine life - an example of convergent evolution.
Prof Schweitzer said: "They have many features in common with living marine reptiles like sea turtles, but we know from the fossil record that they gave live birth, which is associated with warm-bloodedness."
Most reptiles today are cold-blooded, meaning their body temperature is determined by the warmth of their surroundings. Blubber helps some marine animals maintain a high body temperature regardless of the ocean water temperature.
Co-author Johan Lindgren, from Lund University in Sweden, told BBC News: "Blubber is found in living marine mammals but notably also adult individuals of the leatherback sea turtle. Its primary role in all of these animals seems to be insulation, and the leatherback is unique in many aspects.
Blubber and skinImage copyrightJOHAN LINDGREN / MARTIN JARENMARK
Image captionComparisons between artificially matured modern porpoise blubber and skin and the equivalent from a fossil ichthyosaur.
"It has metabolic rates that are higher than are those of typical reptiles, and a suite of measures for heat retention and control, and collectively these enable adult leatherbacks to venture into cold water environments.
"So, ichthyosaurs were able to control their body temperature at least as well as leatherbacks, but then it is hard to say if they were fully endothermic (warm-blooded) or not."
The researchers identified the blubber and skin remains on a well-preserved ichthyosaur specimen held by the Urweltmuseum Hauff in Germany. It was discovered in Holzmaden quarry, in the country's south-west, which has produced many other well-preserved fossils from the Jurassic Period.
The fossil was subjected to an exhaustive analysis of its microscopic structure and molecular composition.
"Both the body outline and remnants of internal organs are clearly visible," said co-author Johan Lindgren, from Lund University in Sweden.
"Remarkably, the fossil is so well-preserved that it is possible to observe individual cellular layers within its skin."
The researchers identified cell-like microstructures which probably held pigment, and an internal organ thought to be the animal's liver.
The blubber-like material contained fragments of fatty acid molecules.
"This is the first direct, chemical evidence for warm-bloodedness in an ichthyosaur, because blubber is a feature of warm-blooded animals," said Prof Schweitzer.
To provide additional support for this idea, the researchers artificially matured the blubber of a modern porpoise, exposing it to high temperatures and pressures - as it would be during the process of fossilisation.
StenopterygiusImage copyrightSCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
Image captionArtwork: The fossil belongs to a type of ichthyosaur called Stenopterygius
The resulting "matured" porpoise blubber shared many features with the fossilised version.
As for the ichthyosaur's skin, the camouflage pattern would have provided protection from Jurassic predators such as flying pterosaurs, attacking from above, and pliosaurs (even bigger marine reptiles), which would have attacked from below.
Dr Lindgren said: "Given the density of pigment cells, and the fact that they occur in both the epidermis and dermis, we hypothesise that ichthyosaurs had a really dark dorsal (upper) skin, which is also what you see in many extant whales that are deep divers (as ichthyosaurs) and venture into cold, arctic regions (as did ichthyosaurs).
"A melanic (dark) colouration would benefit ichthyosaurs as a UV protection while at the sea surface, but could perhaps also help ichthyosaurs thermoregulate as is the case in the leatherback sea turtle."
Losing the scales and evolving smooth skin would also have helped ichthyosaurs manoeuvre more easily underwater.
Johan Lindgren said the still-flexible skin meant the specimen must have been fossilised so fast that organic molecules were trapped inside the mineral component of the fossil.
"Soft tissues, such as skin, have hitherto been considered to be so labile (easily broken down) that the only way they can survive is via full replacement by minerals. However, as it turns out, when these minerals are removed, some of the original organics remain," Dr Lindgren explained.
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