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Friday, 30 March 2018

Why Am I Not Posting?

I have been asked that twice and not here, sadly.

As I explained before, for years I have been providing free content in the hope of getting discussions going and maybe even sell one or two copies of my books.  After all a LOT of sites use my posts as their own.

Nothing. My books contain photographs thought to have been lost over 100 years ago. Cases you will find nowhere else and FACTS not lies to sell a book.

You want free content then find somewhere else because I need to eat and pay bills not take hours on posts for people who do not even bother to comment.

When I start selling books and can afford to waste time I'll be back.  Dont hold your breath.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Quitting Internet Groups and asking: HOW Serious Are YOU?

I have, today, severed all my links with paranormal and cryptozoological groups. Ufology I parted company with a long time ago.

The problem is that a story is posted and you explain how incorrect the original account was or present the explanation that was found by others looking into said story. Ignored.  That or the incorrect use (through basic ignorance) of the term "sceptic" is applied or various snide remarks made and when you are merely up-dating those who claim to wish to be "enlightened" it is a tad galling.

I note that I have gone into certain cases in my books and that anyone can buy those for full references sources that are not misquoted or twisted by others for various reasons. I also point people not wanting to buy my books in the direction of where they will find an accurate account of a case. Same reactions.

Yet over-and-over again these same people praise and promote certain authors who are, and I am being polite here, out right liars.  They twist facts, ignore others and even when told several times that "no such case exists -we were having a joke!" they still write on said case as genuine and mysterious. You cannot set the record straight in however polite a manner you try.

These are people who probably see Dr Who, Ghost Adventures and X-Files as reality rather than fantasy.  Entertainment.  Made up.

Supposedly, Cryptozoology, Ufology and paranormal investigation were 'disciplines' applying 'scientific discipline and methodology" to investigation and research.  There is no serious research other than to gather material for the next sensationalist fake book or TV appearance because this is all about money and nothing more.

Whether it is some fake little centre for cryptozoology or centre for UFO research there is one thing they hold more important than anything else and that is money.  Write another re-hash book and call it by whatever name you want it is still not serious research.  The $ and £ are the most important thing. And because these people appear on TV or at events and are  like old "uncles" or "cheery mates" the mindless sheep will buy their books, give them huge donations and support them in any way they are asked to.

It's a hobby that is also an "earner".

We are supposed to look into the strange, weird and mysterious in whichever field and keep digging until we get to the truth or find something we cannot explain based on current knowledge.  Faking statistics and reports of Bigfoot sightings, lake and sea creatures not to mention UFO abduction accounts is why none of these subjects will ever be treated seriously.  What astronomer, biologist, zoologist or scientist is going to associate his/herself with this fakery?

We need to sort out the seemingly mysterious and explain cases as and when we can.  We need to then continue looking more deeply at the cases we cannot yet explain:

If it was not a seal or an eel and every description appears accurate then what was that creature in the sea?

If witnesses appear to be 100% genuine and show the signs of having experienced something terrifying and that was a very close proximity sighting of an obviously controlled, structured craft that is like nothing we know of and conforms to nothing we suspect is being worked on by a government -what was it? Where did it come from?

If we rule out 'ghosts' and other paranormal phenomena as being tricks of the mind that appear 100% real (as detailed in UFO Contact?) and there is more than one witness who is credible -what are we dealing with?  Thousands of years of ghost and demon sightings cannot all be tricks of the Id surely? If not then what are they?

These are questions we should be asking and investigating -where witnesses are still alive they should be interviewed again.

"It doesn't matter if it isn't true -I heard it  and it's good material for my new book!" is not the attitude of a real investigator or researcher.  Look at the number of cases in Strange and Mysterious Beasts that began as unexplainable but turned out to be very explainable even if it did take years of research and fighting cryptozoologists and the obstacles they put up to stop the truth being found.  The same with cases in UFO Contact? where some of the highest profile cases were...nothing.  Yet both books and the research involved proved that there is a lot out there we need to re-assess and investigate.

I am too old to change.  I could sensationalise and tell falsehoods or twists fact and that might make me money.  However, I could never live with that on my conscience.

I swear that if I hear "Roswell", "Werewolves"  or "The Thomas Mantell case..." once more I will scream.

I will always work and cooperate with serious researchers and investigators but there seem to be very few of those around in 2018 -correct me if I am wrong!

UFOs, cryptozoology and ghost hunting is hobby-entertainment.  Serious people need to step up and be counted.

Note that High Strangeness and UFO Contact? are the same book but different formats ditto Mysterious & Strange Beasts andStrange & Mysterious Beasts

Monday, 5 March 2018


So far, the Ghost Club Face Book page has still not published my post.  This does not really surprise me because it appears to be nothing more than a hobby page at best.  There are those who state they are out-and-out sceptics (at least to me in messages asking me to join their sceptical group of non-believers") and those for who a breeze turning a page of a book while they are sat in the garden is evidence of ghosts.

"Can a Ouija board be used safely during hunts and investigations?"

Simply put Ouija Boards were created as a kids games and has been fantasized into some form of paranormal communication device with no explanation other than "Spirits use it to communicated".  It's fake.

"Do you think spirits can cause mental illness in the living?" 

Simply put, the 'spirits' may be a manifestation of mental illness. Or, it may well be a manifestation of the Id -if you read my book UFO Contact? you will know what I mean via the case of Ruth.

"Can cats see ghosts?"  "Can ghosts move house with you?" all questions asked because "it would be interesting to hear your opinion". 

So long as your opinion is that of a believer.

There were three people who had seen "perfectly clear" spirit manifestations on video footage taken outdoors and twice indoors.  "Please can you show us the clip?" I asked (no one else bothered as they just accepted the statement!).  Two never followed up so I can call BS on them.  The third -the person who recorded a solid apparition walking toward her husband in the house...didn't want others to see it. I have to also call BS on that because the excuse of not wanting the husband identified was silly.  Even if not for general release there are many ways you can mask someone's identity in footage.

Claim after claim with absolutely nothing -zero- in the way of even circumstantial evidence.

In fact, my post has now appeared so here it is:

I was going to respond to another post but here are my thoughts on the current state of things in our subject.
We need to progress beyond this silly belief that a board invented as a game is equivalent to standing in a bowl of water while grabbing an electrical cable.
It does nothing other than act as a spark for those unprepared to deal with the subject matter.
We need to progress beyond believing that demons, hell holes, gateways to hell and some fella with horns and a pitchfork exist. If we throw those childish ideas aside then we have to ask what we are dealing with.
Despite all the people shouting when this is said or written, absolutely NO 100% evidence has ever been forthcoming to prove demons or the devil or even ghosts exist -I don't like the idea that, like many others over hundreds of years, I have wasted my time.
Fakers, creatures of the mind will always be here. Even the Church now psychologically evaluates persons claiming to be possessed. Sitting back and watching TV trash ghost programmes, reading books that can be very dubious or listening to pod casts that really do nothing but waste time.
We need to decide whether this is a hobby or do we really need to re-assess what our approach will be and what we hope to achieve.
At the moment I can see someone in 2230 writing this same thing.

My response to shouts of "sceptic!" is simple.

Who has observed, since a child, on several occasions, seemingly dark and very solid figures that ought not to be?

Well I can tick that box.

Who has observed poltergeist activity at close quarters?

Another tick there. In fact it was not until much later that I was told about other "paranormal" activity witnessed by 2-3 people at a time including independent back-up of my own day time sightings of what we jokingly called "the Monk" outside the house.

Who, on one occasion observed a large, no features, smokey grey figure several yards away ...with two other witnesses?

Tick again.

Who, walking down the stairs of a modern built building got to a certain point and felt uncontrollable fear that made them RUN back upstairs? 

I can tick that box and it was a family situation.  No ghost talk and only after I asked my sister and her partner if they had noticed anything odd about the stairs was it revealed that my sister would not go down to the area alone and even her partner (ex-Army martial arts champion) noted he had "almost crapped my own pants a couple times!"

Who has observed various sized strange light phenomena at a distance of 10-100 metres and for durations of 30 seconds to approximately 25 minutes?  With independent reports of "UFO" activity at the time?

Box ticked.

Who has observed (at least) twice two animal forms -one near an inner city park the other in a German forest- animal life that cannot be explained?

Box ticked.

A lot of this has been covered in my books and as I am aware of every second that I observed the lights (via wrist watch, a clock and on three occasions TV programmes I was watching) I was not abducted!  The book UFO Contact? looks at something that could explain ghosts, alien abductions and much more and yet people who profess interest will not read the book.  All sorts of excuses come from the "paranormal" lobby as well as the "cryptozoologists" and "Ufologists" because, even if presented with concrete facts such as a witness stating in writing that he/she "never stated any such thing" will offer some dumb explanation why the witness is wrong!

We need to get away from demons, the devil, ghosts, "Greys" and look at other possibilities. If those involved are not willing to do that then they are hobbyists who probably get all their 'factual' research information from Dr Who or Ghost Adventures.

The whole point is that there are mysteries out there and we need to look at those and discover truth and gain knowledge and develop. 

Pointing at a piece of wood with letters on and hysterically screaming "There be demons and devils there!" is putting ourselves back in the caves.

Note that High Strangeness and UFO Contact? are the same book but different formats ditto Mysterious & Strange Beasts and Strange & Mysterious Beasts

Saturday, 3 March 2018


I will make it VERY clear.  Unless you are in North America, books you order from my online store will come from printers in the region you live in and you should see the correct postage once you get to the check out.

This was a error that was supposed to have been sorted last December.

NOT in North America = NO North American postal charge.

Shark Eating Creature Identified?

In 2011 I posted about a creature observed by a diver that seemingly killed a shark.  I have been following various leads to get to the source.

The diver I'm told may have passed away so it is a case of finding family members or other sources he told about the incident.

However, based on known -if rarely studied- sea creatures I believe that I may have identified the shark killer.

So what was it?

The answer to what it, and some other previous unknowns are can be found in my last book (two formats exist).

I am a tease.

Despite what it says on the site you order the books via your nearest printer NOT the United States -you'll see postage for your area appear once the book is in checkout.