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Friday, 24 January 2020

There you have it

Readership of this blog has been increasing and yet, despite my earlier post, not a single sign of support for the blog continuation.

The readership has spoken.

Thursday, 16 January 2020

If I wrote a book full of fiction it would probably sell.

This is a general all-round post today though I really ought not to have explain it all again.

I was asked why this blog was so quiet. This shows how much some people read the blog. I have made it clear many times that the blog was set up to report on incidents and hear from people who may have sighted anything strange or weird from UFOs to unidentified creatures seen on land and at sea.

Since 2011 I have not had one single report or even link to a report come from readers of this blog. There are enough of you and spread world wide so the chances are you have either seen or read a report on something that would be of interest.

Look at the views total at the top of this page.  Some 374,364 and I can tell you that apart from some people grabbing posts and reusing them without credit, 98% of those views have achieved nothing. I think that since I set this blog up I have sold two of my books. This blog and the books give you factual accounts and where cases are solved I list every reference used -to get to the real mystery cases you have to get rid of the trash.

Fakery, lies and worse run through Ufology, cryptozoology and most other fields. So called 'experts' have been proven to be hoaxing and lying and yet they still get support. Lies are, apparently, far better sellers than fact.

Without funding continuing work is not possible.  I was urged to head north and investigate the "Hull werewolf" case or go to certain sites to look into "British Bigfoot" incidents.  "Pop over" to Norfolk to look into some strange goings on there.  Never going to happen because I long ago ran out of the money to travel and newspapers do not pay you to look into things.

Active work with the Exotic Animals Register stopped for the same reason. I am not independently wealthy and I certainly do not get paid for the work.  Above all else, no one buys the books and that should have been the source of some income.

I have delved into archives, found so called "lost photographs", original reports and much more over 40 plus years -everything fully referenced.  Not sexy.  If I wrote a book full of fiction it would probably sell.

So, as it stands, with no book sales, no financial support the AOP blog like the EAR blog  is getting to the point where it has to close.  Too much work for nothing -not even comments.

I hope that makes it clear why the blog has been silent.

Time to support or watch the blog go.

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Australia: More than 10,000 camels to be shot.....

....because they drink too much water. 

Australias rather dim Prime Minister denies climate change and supports fossil fuels. BUT camels give off environmentally polluting gasses.  But Prime Minister Halfwit probably thinks its a bit of fun killing more than 10,000 camels and leaving them to rot "until" they can be disposed off -THAT is very unhealthy environmental conditions -the "aboriginal leaders" well supplied with air freshner?

 In the 1930s the Australian army deployed machine gun units to kill emus *The Emu War) because "There were too many" -made them a laughing stock but the Aussie trend for this kind of thing continued.

The current fires will hide this away in a small news column if that. Australia is known amongst naturalists as "The Red Continent" because of its record in animal treatment. 

Feral cats and dogs? Shoot. Poison. Snare. Club. Over run with rabbits -shoot. Poison. Snare. Over run with rats and mice...wait...d'uh...cats and dogs...kill mice and rats and rabbits for food if they are feral.Hmm. Take the predator out of the chain and they prey increase. No brains in Australian management. 

Not killed something for a while -camels!  aboriginal leaders call camels a pest because they damage fences and air conditioning and water is drunk...not exactly living the traditional lifestyle they demand is preserved.Don't worry -kangaroos next.

Australia while millions of animals die and peoples homes are destroyed you commit another act to go on the Red Ledger.

Hang your heads in shame

The camel population would double every eight to 10 years without culling: Getty
More than 10,000 camels will be shot by professional shooters in helicopters to prevent them from drinking too much water in drought-afflicted South Australia.
The shooters will begin the cull on Wednesday following an order from Aboriginal leaders in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) lands.
Locals have complained that the animals have been entering communities and wreaking havoc as they look for any available water source, including taps and tanks.
“We have been stuck in stinking hot and uncomfortable conditions, feeling unwell, because the camels are coming in and knocking down fences, getting in around the houses and trying to get to water through air-conditioners,’’ Marita Baker, a board member of the APY executive, told The Australian.
The animals are also being culled over concerns about greenhouse gas emissions, as they emit methane equivalent to one ton of carbon dioxide per year, the paper reported.
A spokesperson for the South Australia Department of Environment and Water said the increasing number of camels had caused several problems in the region.
“This has resulted in significant damage to infrastructure, danger to families and communities, increased grazing pressure across the APY lands and critical animal welfare issues as some camels die of thirst or trample each other to access water,” the spokesperson told
“In some cases, dead animals have contaminated important water sources and cultural sites.”
The operation to control the camel population, estimated to total 1.2 million across the country, is expected to take five days.
Their carcasses will be left to dry off before they are burned or buried, ABC News reported.
Camels were introduced to Australia from India and Afghanistan during the 19th century, and were used for transport and construction.
If culling did not take place, the camel population would double every eight to 10 years.
The operation comes amid estimates that more than a billion animals have died in the wildfires which have been raging across Australia.
Chris Dickman, an ecologist at the University of Sydney, told HuffPost earlier estimates that nearly half a billion creatures had perished were conservative because they did not include animals such as bats, frogs and invertebrates.
Including those, he said it was “without any doubt at all” that the losses exceeded 1 billion, which he also called “a very conservative figure”.
Conservationists and wildlife experts fear the bushfires may have wiped out entire species of animals.
Populations of small marsupials called dunnarts, along with glossy black cockatoos, may have disappeared entirely after fires burned a third of Kangaroo Island, which has been left a “scorched wasteland”.