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Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Man Killed by Falling Meteorite in 1888

Photo credit: Unsalan et al., Meteoritics and Planetary Science
See note at end
Caroline Delbert
  • Researchers say they've confirmed the first and only known death by falling meteorite—in 1888.
  • Meteor showers happen all the time, but very few meteorites strike Earth and even fewer are verified.
  • The records of this meteorite strike were written in a difficult, arcane form of the Turkish language.
Determined researchers have found what they say is the first confirmed evidence from the historical record of a human being killed by a falling meteorite. The documentation had been hiding in plain sight in an ornate, elite form of Turkish that’s hard to translate. The researchers say this represents a step forward in the study and translation of the historic record in order to corroborate with the scientific record.
“Well-documented stories of meteorite-caused injury or death are rare,” NASA explains. “In the first known case of an extraterrestrial object to have injured a human being in the U.S., Ann Hodges of Sylacauga, Alabama, was severely bruised by a 8-pound (3.6-kilogram) stony meteorite that crashed through her roof in November 1954.”
That tidbit will change if NASA validates the claims of corresponding author Ozan Ünsalan and his colleagues. Ünsalan is an eclectic physicist, and his two coauthors are a Turkish academic historian and a meteor astronomer from SETI’s Carl Sagan Center. SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, operates the Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance (CAMS) network.
Monitoring meteorites has always been part of SETI’s mission. By combining historical information about meteorites and translation skills, these researchers say they’ve verified a reported death by meteorite that happened in 1888. Ideally, they’d also have a physical rock that can be studied to show it is from outer space.
But they don’t have that rock, which represents a potentially big sticking point. They do, however, have three independent accounts of the events from local governments, and witnesses saw the meteor shower while it rained fiery rocks on one village for up to 10 minutes. One man was killed, according to the reports, and another was struck and paralyzed.
Science Alert cites a decades-old paper about the difficulty of verifying deaths from meteorites, which comes in multiple forms. First is “the lack of material evidence that the missiles involved in the accidents were genuinely meteoric,” the paper explains. Today, that would be pretty straightforward with the help of laser spectrometry or an electron microscope, which would quickly rule out, yes, “meteor-wrongs.” (It’s in the Name Hall of Fame next to “incidentaloma.”)
But three matching reports from different officials is pretty compelling. Why did it take so long for these accounts to come to light? Well, they’re written in the official language of the Ottoman Empire at the time, Ottoman Turkish, which uses a complex alphabet based on Persian Arabic. Back then, common people usually spoke traditional Turkish, creating a duality between that and formal Ottoman Turkish.

Photo credit: Unsalan et al., Meteoritics and Planetary Science
Photo credit: Unsalan et al., Meteoritics and Planetary Science

This isn’t unique—languages like Latin had formal and informal versions, and Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Chinese share a written version, but are spoken differently. As Ottoman Turkish researcher Eleazar Birnbaum wrote in a 1967 paper, the language is unique for how long it took scholars to transliterate the outmoded alphabet. Turkey switched to the Roman alphabet in the 1920s. “It was the literary vehicle of one of the world’s greatest empires, an empire which was literate in the three greatest literary languages of the Islamic World,” Birnbaum explained.

Photo credit: Unsalan et al., Meteoritics and Planetary Science
Photo credit: Unsalan et al., Meteoritics and Planetary Science

Today, there's an official Library of Congress romanization plan for Ottoman Turkish. But these things still take time and rely on research interest. Ünsalan and colleagues worked using a grant from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. With their financial help, Turkey now has the distinction of the first known meteorite death—in history or today.

People ought to really do some research before making claims.

The Ch'ing-yang event of 1490 ( Ch'ing-yangChi-ing-yang or Chíing-yang meteor shower) is a presumed meteor shower or air burst in March or April 1490. The area was in the province of Shaanxi, but is now part of Gansu. If a meteor shower it may have been the result of the disintegration of an asteroid during an atmospheric entry air burst.
A large number of deaths were recorded in historical Chinese accounts of the meteor shower but have not been confirmed by researchers in the modern era as far as I can find out but ignoring past Chinese records is not wise as in the same year Asian astronomers discovered comet C/1490 Y1, a possible progenitor of the Quadrantid meteor showers.
A re-examination of the 1663 Robozero, Russia, incident ought to also be carried out.

Japan Planning for SDF response to UFO encounter

According to the The Asahi Shimbun

Kono: Planning will begin for SDF response to UFO encounter


Although Defense Minister Taro Kono doesn't believe in UFOs, he wants the Self-Defense Forces to have a plan in place for any encounter--just in case. 
Kono made the comment at a news conference on April 28 after the U.S. Defense Department declassified and released videos shot by Navy pilots pointing to the possibility that UFOs exist.
“We would like to establish procedures in the event an encounter is made with a UFO,” Kono said.
He indicated his ministry and the SDF would begin preparing for such an event. 
While Kono said the SDF had not yet encountered a UFO, he added, “If video can be taken (of a UFO encounter) and if a report is possible, then a report will be made. Discussions will be held with the Air SDF about just what can be done.”
He said ministry officials will ask their Pentagon counterparts about the release of the videos as well as any analysis they had conducted.
In February 2018, the Japanese government issued its official position on UFOs saying, “no confirmation has been made of their existence.”
The document in response to questions from a lawmaker added, “The government has not considered in any specific manner what will be done should a UFO be sighted flying toward Japan.”
At the news conference, Kono admitted that he himself did not believe that UFOs exist. However, the defense minister was less forthcoming when asked if he believed in supernatural powers or psychic phenomenon.
“That is a corporate secret,” he replied.
 Big fibber. He SHOULD know that Japanese SDF fliers HAVE seen UFOs. USAF fliers have sighted UFOs over Japan. He may be meaning IF they encounter what is obviously and beyond doubt a strange craft not light phenomenon. 
Just so that he has some references for future talks:

Friday, 17 April 2020

New Book Started

For some daft reason my mind has forced me into working on another Ms. This one is preliminary titled: Exobiology, UFOs and the Aliens. Started this afternoon and am now on page 23. However, as there appear to be no new UFO entity cases emerging anywhere I'll need to draw on my files.

Questioning Stale and stagnant Ufology

"How dare you??  

Who the hell do you think you are?"

That was a reaction to my stating that the 1961 Betty and Barney Hill UFO abduction case and the "Hill Star Map" were done and dusted decades ago.  It was a genuine or psychological/fake incident. I have no reason to doubt the Hills since both were subject to scrutiny of even their most private lives by debunkers and came through it all. I have no reason to doubt that the incident in New Hampshire took place but that was 1961 and both percipients are now deceased.  As for the star map: it was interesting but really proved nothing in the end since even Betty Hill stated that she was unsure of all the details and without all the details you have...not much.

There were alleged abductions by entities from UFOs prior to the Hills. In a number of cases the percipients were invited aboard a landed object but declined and that was it.  Americans love to be first and so the Hill case is a shining example: it got lots of press and a few books -the Hills not profiting from any of these- and all because their confidentiality and privacy was breached. Ufologists today constantly churn up the Hill case because "everyone knows it" -it is a stale classic. Every time I see Ufologists on TV and they start with "In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were--" my eyes roll so far back that I can now map the back of my skull.

There really are other incidents out there and not just from the United States. France? Germany? Australia? The United Kingdom -alleged alien abduction cases and most widely un known because the case reports are not in the English language.  My chapter on German CE3Ks in Contact: Encounters With Extra Terrestrial Entities? took a great deal of work aside from translating material and not one single German UFO group I contacted was willing to help in any capacity (how things have changed since the internet!).  As far as I am aware, the book is the best and only English language source of so many German (pre-Hopkins/Streiber) CE3K reports.

Portugal also gets a little coverage but, again, despite some promises, Portuguese Ufologists did not help out.  Is it any surprised so many non-US/UK cases are unknown?

Not surprisingly Europe seems somewhat similar the the United States when it comes to looking at what could be called "cold cases" or cases that went un-investigated (armchair ufology based on collecting newspaper clippings is NOT research nor is it investigation).
Let me make it very clear since it seems difficult to make people understand a basic fact (especially ufologists): witnesses to CE3K or abduction percipients from the 1950s and 1960s not to forget the 1970s, are getting older.  Some have already passed away. A scrappy 1 inch news report does NOT tell you the whole story. Once those involved have passed away their experience and memories are gone. That is it.  No indignant "Well why the hell did no pone carry out a proper investigation!" MUFON are not interested (no money in it) and groups in Europe seem to not be interested.

I would guess that 95-96% of claims can be dismissed for one reason or another. That remaining 4-5% are the reports we should -MUST- be looking at for evidence.

I am a sceptic which is NOT a debunker but someone who needs to see the evidence backing up reports/claims.
Remember: once a UFO percipient/witness dies their evidence dies with them.  Lost forever.
That is unacceptable.
Contact! Encounters with Extra Terrestrial Entities?
Contact! Encounters with Extra Terrestrial Entities?

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

More Skinwalker Ranch Fakery For TV?

This photo of a "demon"/"Entity" or whatever they want to call it was taken by J C (?) Johnson on the so called Skinwalker ranch -the subject of a current scripted 'reality' TV show.

Just looking at the photo it is obvious there are some sort of support bars -I first thought this was a cave entrance covered by an awning but I told this is a 'real' creature.

Enlarge the image and the not entity shows its support frame. Hoax? Mistake?

More Skinwalker Ranch fakery for the TV?