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Sunday, 31 July 2022

We Went Alien Hunting With Conspiracy Theorists

Rex Heflin talks about his famous 1965 UFO photos and how they got confi...

Pilot Tarmo Tukeva talks about the 1969 UFO sighting in Pori, Finland

We Have NOT Progressed After More Than 70 Years -Is It Too Late?

  I think that when Ufologists claim that "many thousands" of CE3K/abductions are on record they are correct. That would be proof.

However, when you consider that "many thousands" of those cases were not investigated then that is proof of nothing.

There are claims made based on statistics and "data" that have been accepted by Ufologists.  This is false data.  Looking at the reports 
(you cannot call them cases as they were not investigated) used there are well known hoaxes, cases that involved people with psychological problems, there are reports of airships, aircraft, helicopters, meteors, aurora. For the 1954 French "UFO wave" the CE3Ks include a man who was repairing a motor vehicle, another involving a local hermit -it goes on and on. 

Above: Entity described in the Dewilde case

These reports are still used today and the number of reports rattled off by the UFO media whores -"Many thousands"/ "Up to twenty thousand estimated reports"- is to impress. I have seen these flim-flam men on recorded interviews and even at conventions citing "cases" where they have facts wrong. Good example; Captain Thomas Mantell was not shot down by a UFO but died due to what we would call "pilot error" these days; he was committed to a chase and flew higher without oxygen. However, it is a "classic" flying saucer story and despite all of the material released the media darlings claim there was a "U.S. Air Force cover up" -that should be USAAF as it was the Army Air Force at the time and there was no cover-up. Bless him but Donald E. Keyhoe had an agenda. 

Do not get me wrong; I first got drawn into UFOs via Brinsley Le Poer Trench's Flying Saucer Story but what got me hooked were the books of Keyhoe. He put his own spin on a story and even Captain Edward J. Ruppelt in his Report on Unidentified Flying Objects noted that while Keyhoe generally had his facts straight, his interpretation of those facts was another question entirely. He thought Keyhoe often sensationalized the material and accused Keyhoe of "mind reading" what he and other officers were thinking. Ruppelt was also the USAF Blue Book man who came up with the term "Unidentified Flying Object" (though some Ufologists tried to credit it to Keyhoe or others.  With Keyhoe I found the facts interesting but always preferred to draw my own conclusions; in a way, Keyhoe was popularising the subject and trying to get the more serious minded people -particularly the military and scientific- and have it taken seriously. Swings and roundabouts really.

What Keyhoe did, probably unintentionally, was take criticising the USAF to get it to be more open but Ufologists took it to the point of downright attacking it. All the flying saucer enthusiasts simply did not understand what Keyhoe was doing and so assumed that he was leading an attack against the flying saucer cover up initiated by the Pentagon. It became a "must do" to attack the Air Force and U. S. government over cover-ups and how would most bodies act under such circumstances? They closed the doors.

An example here is the United Kingdom. Military cases were noted but often not commented on too much. Having known some of the pioneers of Ufology in the UK I learnt one thing; the Air Ministry was always polite and friendly and chap-to-chap would admit that they were flummoxed over the flying saucer reports -there were those who suspected the Soviets and there were those who wondered whether the source of these "craft" were from "elsewhere"? But then the British, wanting to jump on the sensationalist band wagon and stir up publicity for their subject began to declare "government cover ups" which, if you read your UFO history -magazines, books and journals from the time- you realise was false. As an extra note here I never had any obstruction from the Ministry of Defence and they got completed reports from me and blah blah blah. When I spoke to Nick Pope while he was at the MoD he had never seen a single one of my reports (because he was a desk clerk) and I found that he knew nothing about things I had chatted to the MoD over -I realised that he was "not in the chain".

In fact the MoD (Air) has helped me a couple of times on non UFO cases and dug up data that I would never have gotten otherwise!  Now that is a 'cover up' I appreciate! Arthur Constance (look up your UFO history) had meetings at the Air Ministry and presented reports to them. I could list others but these were all private individuals who understood that people at the Air Ministry or MoD were doing a job and when reports popped up that involved test aircraft (in my time on three occasions) they were dropped and not mentioned.

But during the decades reporting became worse. Meteorites, actual weather balloons, aircraft and even natural phenomena -including ball lightning- were all included as "UFOs" and that is "UFO" in the extra-terrestrial sense.  Individuals and groups often dumped cases that did not fit into what they found acceptable and when you mix up everything (including the hoaxes) you have a huge pile of nonsense and it is no wonder so many people fell into the "paranormal UFO" trap or decided that it was all "crap" and became anti-UFO. The biggest problem here is that these people did not go back and study the actual sources. People were reporting as fact reports that filled a one inch news column and THAT was a UFO report. This means that all the proposed theories based on dates, times and locations are invalid. The "Mars Cycle", ortotheny -it all falls to pieces.

The 1954 French 'wave' probably was not a big UFO event. As noted, someone repairing a bus by the side of a road and a known (locally) hermit at another location, an officially noted meteor sighting and even helicopters were all included in the "UFO wave" lore and this mainly because Dr Jacques Vallee included them in his data base and noted them in his books and articles while actually not personally checking the reports and this to the point that even now his work contains 'reports' from someone known as a hoaxer back in the early 1960s and if you have not checked and corrected your data after 50 years that makes you a very poor researcher.

However, and this is the important part: there are CE3K/AE cases from that period that look quite sound. Sound in the sense that they survive scrutiny but none actually furnishing actual proof of, say, extra-terrestrial visitation.  We can say that almost 70 years later no such devices as described by witnesses have emerged as terrestrial test or secret aircraft -so where are they from?  

Now this is important. It means that there are not "many thousands" of CE3K/AE reports but maybe a few hundred -which without thorough investigation may be an exaggeration- actual incidents.  But this means that cases from the past do become far more important because if they are genuine then this may give us a better insight into what is going on or, at least, the type of entities behind the UFOBs -seemingly solid and constructed objects.

This is why I want to stress the importance of actually  tracking down the witnesses/ percipients to these incidents -if we can talk to those from 1954, when the activity really seemed to begin in earnest, then that is important. All of those reports are scraps of paper unless you can say that the person(s) involved were spoken to and they seemed genuine even after these decades.  The Madame LeBoeuf report is a couple of paragraphs in the literature but I found far more material and facts that makes it seem (as far as we can determine) genuine yet the first French Ufologist did not even go to talk to her until decades later and then criticised the press for bad reporting 😵 
Above: Take your pick -which one was it? There are five other pages to choose from!

There are other reports dismissed as hoaxes based on poor reporting and English language sources quote sources that are written by debunkers (they have no idea because "it's all in foreign" so the first English quote is their 'fact'). Marius Dewilde I assumed was a hoax until I actually looked into what went on. I checked the facts. In my books I have gone back to sources and even used cases never before published in the English language and some of these are incredible -including multiple witnesses.

This is where I have certain criteria. We know, in fact psychology has known for many decades, that people can slip into "altered states" and there are those who are prone to what I termed "Ruth Syndrome" and in the latter case these are fully investigated to rule out hoaxes or other psychological problems. It is a game changer not just for UFOs but also the paranormal and Bigfoot fields. Because of this, and I have investigated these cases myself, I tend to give solo UFDO/abduction percipients a low rating. There has to be something significant to make me really consider such a case.
Above: A rather imaginative painting of the "Kelly Goblin"

I tend to look at reports where there are two or more percipients because even Ruth Syndrome cannot make someone else see what that person is experiencing. If you have a case of 'abduction' or a CE3K or simply an alien entity sighting (no UFO) you have the possibility of a hoax so there are questions that need answers. If you have three women travelling along a road when a large, bright object swoops down over them then you note that but when you find that someone reported a car travelling along a road with a bright light over it (this observer is some distance away) then you have to note the report. When the witnesses all note missing time and suffer various physiological symptoms -some perhaps radiation linked then there is no question that it is "of interest" and if those same witnesses suffer obvious symptoms of post traumatic stress....

Many cases of abduction were only discovered because of people breaching confidences -the Hills being one example but there are many. In many of these cases there was no softly softly approach by Ufologists to earn trust and find out what happened while helping those involved. Again and again we read that Ufologists told these already stressed people that it was a case of "Talk to us or we go to the papers" -and even then the Ufologists went to the papers!

Louise Smith, left, Elaine Thomas and Mona Stafford of Liberty

All of the above are found in the Stanford, Kentucky case of 6th January, 1976 involving Mona Stafford, Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas.  Leonard H. Stringfield (before he moved into the crash -retrieval genre) tainted the investigation and the only person who came out of this as trying to help the women was Dr R. Leo Sprinkle who maintained a strict code of ethics in all the cases he was involved with. 

Percipients in alleged UFO incidents were treated disgustingly. They were pushed and prodded for their "story" and then dumped with no follow ups and little interest in how they coped. The Ufologists had their story and something for a book "revealing all the facts" and telling everyone how they, as the great truth seekers , found out about the case and then followed the usual BS. The Lorenzens were very keen on using the "truth drug" or as it is known scopolamene -with all of its inherent risks. 

Warren Smith adding "padding" to his write up on the Herb Schirmer abduction case and things became so confused that Schirmer was labelled a hoaxer (no one bothered to question what this made the "respected" Smith).

At one point I used to look at the reports coming in and some highly dubious ones were accepted -UFOs and "Bigfoot" incidents and looking at the main witnesses it was quite clear that some form of altered state was involved. I pointed out all the indicators and point-by-point went through certain cases. The investigators never responded or contacted me again. The constant claim that "Many extra-terrestrial races" and "Hundreds of ETs may be visiting Earth" just did not seem right. 

It seemed ridiculous and when the Ufologists who do not look at the material available suddenly claim (because they cannot get 100% evidence of ETs) 
"They come from the multi-verse! Another dimension" they may as well just leave and close the door after them. The multi-verse is theoretical and not a fact. It is not something we have seen and recorded but a theory.  

Then we have the "They are US from the future" which is something said when your brain turns to silly putty.  When you follow through what has been reported in UFO incidents and then at the time travel theory (not new by several decades) it just falls to pieces and makes no logical sense. It's a case of "I have no idea so I'll just open my mouth and whatever comes out...."

Well known 1950s and 1960s Ufologists faked reports. They spread rumours to discredit witnesses in cases for their own reasons. Some of these I have looked at in my books and they are eye-openers since even very well known Ufologists KNEW the information came from dubious sources they still used the reports in their books and talks.

With CE3K/AE reports it is fair to say that they are rarer than we thought.  Certainly UFOB sightings are rarer because if we rule out everything other than an investigated report that appears genuine we have...only scraps of paper. No matter how many odd lights you film or photograph in the sky they are only odd lights and absolutely proof of nothing. We also have to be aware that today's U.S. military are openly making us look at hoaxes and even possible new tech described as "UAP".
Above: the original Flatwoods entity before its reboot and becoming a money-spinning pop culture icon

I have said since the 1970s that what we need to be looking at are the reports of alien entities associated with UFOBs (seemingly constructed craft). These reports may tell us more about what is behind any genuine activity than anything else. You have a report of a seeming metallic craft with no/ some portholes flying about the sky or landing on a road. That just tells you that you have a report of a seeming metallic craft with no/ some portholes flying about the sky or landing on a road. What is controlling it? Is it remotely piloted? Is it, to use the term, "manned"?  

Forget the "Greys" because as we have seen they really started and ended with Budd Hopkins and his work (which I was a big champion of in the early years) and his "stacking the decks"

In fact Budd KNEW Linda Cortile was lying and hoaxing but let it go.

For me all of the very odd stuff Budd was coming out with was bad enough but when his book Unseen was published I read it and I was shocked. Budd Hopkins had totally and utterly killed his work and reputation and it was all provable.

David Jacobs was another researcher I corresponded with and supported and even defended his work in articles. Then things began to fall apart and the utter trash he came out with and what we learnt was going on behind the scenes killed off any reputation he had.  Both he and Budd had started off as credible investigators yet from the 1980s on they destroyed actual reporting of CE3K cases because if you were not abducted then you were fake or unimportant.

Yes, there were small, large headed "aliens" reported in the past but they were not "Greys". In fact almost every alleged abductee says that the aliens that abducted them were "exactly" like the one depicted on Whitley Streiber's book Communion or from one of Hopkins book covers. They then proceed to draw their versions of a "Grey" and when you see 15 "Greys" drawn by 15 different people who all claim "this is what they looked like" and they are only vaguely similar you see a problem. The "Greys" were the masterminds behind all of the millions of abductions. 

Above: Gorn from Star Trek. His relatives apparently turn up at the homes of abductees speaking out to beat them up. Seriously.

Then it turned out that pushing hypnosis further the abductees remember them from before they (abductees) were even born and then we had encounters in past lives and then....Hopkins and Jacobs discovered that the "Greys" were not the masterminds and after that each alien type has been replaced by another and so have humans -there are millions of mentally incompetent alien-human hybrids who do not know what music, Tv or basic things they have been taught about since birth are.

I think the "Oh, this is all fantasy" should have hit people when Gorn, the lizard warrior that fought a duel with Captain James T. Kirk in the original Star Trek series turned up as the "heavy" lizard man security for the aliens and abductees drew Gorn -right down to his costume. All absolutely authenticated under hypnosis Jacobs tells us.

What makes it worse are the loud "I'm a 35 year Ufology veteran" types who talk about odd lights then add "Then we have these reports of little guys -what's that about??" In all honesty, if you have been 'investigating' and (definitely not) 'studying' UFOs for 30-35 years and you have never looked at CE3K reports then just shut up. Put a zipper on your mouth and go back to watching Star Trek or Dr Who because you are of no use. Not once (??) have you ever wondered "Who is flying or controlling these objects?"  Mind you, that sums up Ufology.

Eupora, Mississippi in 1973. At the height of a "global UUFO wave" multiple witnesses see two UFOs -one lands or comes close to landing on a U.S. highway and despite even the intervention of Ted Bloecher (THE CE3K man at the time) the case was not looked into. The investigators promised to look into it, in fact they poked their noses into many other reports but did not investigate. Why?

Here is a clue; all the reports they stuck their noses into, and which were already being investigated, involved white people. At Eupora all the known witnesses were black. When I asked around in the 1980s Ufologists in the U. S. told me (paraphrasing since a racist word was used) "No middle class white person is going to drive his car into a black area. If you were not robbed or never had your car stolen you'd probably be murdered by the blacks". And this prejudice was not solely an American thing (it still exists there today) as I came up against it when "black" people reported a UFO sighting in the UK. But let's not get into that here as I discussed this in one of my books.

CE3K involving a black person at the height of the "1973 UFO wave" got, and still get, 2-6 lines at most and that is it. Never investigated in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s or 2000s and once they have gone we lose that data. The rumours such as "Well, the witness is black and recently returned from Viet Nam" was a nod and a wink explanation at the time for not investigating. It made no sense and then I realised that U.S. troops in Viet Nam were known for pot smoking and drug abuse. Oh, and 'of course' being black well... incidentally, the witness had returned from Viet Nam six months before the incident.

We lost data simply because someone's hair was "too curly" as they used to say. When I learnt that this type of prejudice still existed in American Ufology I was sad more than surprised. 

We have many, many reports that are of no use. No information other than in some cases "On 17th December a small person was seen to enter a landed object before returning to it and departing" and that is it. Multiple witness reports summed up in 2-3 lines and never investigated. The longer we leave it the less likely we are to find percipients/observers still among the living.  Cases that were big news at the time were reported on and then they were...forgotten. Do the percipients continue to stand by their accounts 45-50 years on?

With funding I'd spend the time I have left chasing up these case -but there is no funding for this type of work.  I have tried UFO organisations but they have no interest -membership and financial gains seem to be the main aims. MUFON flatly refused to even look at the Eupora case and their responses to polite communications were very rude and dismissive. Where is all the press and money coming in if they actually did the work they were set up to carry out?  Press and media and financial gain is the main interest.

Four years ago I suggested to Ufologists in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France that looking into the old reports from 1954 on might be well worth the effort and with the internet tracking down percipients should not be incredibly difficult and we might find real information and data to study. I followed this up with further emails and messages.

Not one single organisation responded.

Looking at their web sites it seems that promoting debunking (NOT scepticism but clear debunking) of UFOs is the main route they take as that also attracts media. The ones that are pro UFO seem to not be interested in research and definitely not any work into CE3K/AE reports and the fact that several referred me back to "This guy in the UK who runs a study on this" did not help.  That "guy" was me, incidentally.

  We seriously need to carry this work out or we have truly lost valuable information and any credibility as researchers so if you know of any local or national UFO groups that you think could help out -give them my details.

Saturday, 30 July 2022

Alien Abduction and UFOs: Why Are Grays So Common? (feat Josef Lorenzo) ...

Paranormal Encounters During Medieval Times | Medieval Ghosts

This Small Japanese Town Is A UFO Hotspot

Man Claims He Was Hypnotised And Almost Abducted By Aliens! | Aliens In ...

LEX18 Investigates UFO Abduction

Terry Hooper-Scharf (A very brief) Biography

Born in Bristol, England, 6th June, 1957,Terry became interested in nature and wildlife.  While attending Greenway Boys School, the interest in science and mysteries of nature increased resulting in several local investigations of natural phenomena.  At the same time, having accidentally picked up a copy of Brinsley le poer Trench’s (later Lord Clancarty) The Flying Saucer Story, Terry began studying UFO reports and local sightings.

Between 1974-to date, Terry has acted as a wildlife consultant to UK police forces on exotic animals living in the UK, being a noted naturalist.  Also in 1974,Terry set up the Bristol UFO Investigation Team (BUFOIT), joined the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), covering much of the West of England as an investigator and Regional Investigations Co-ordinator.  

Circa 1976,Terry joined the oldest UK UFO group, the British Flying Saucer Bureau (f.1952) and became an investigator, later Head of Research & Investigation and also editor of the UFO News Bulletin.  

In 1977, as an attempt to promote more scientific approach to UFO investigation, Terry set up UFO International (see Sachs, M., Encyclopaedia of UFOs).

Having established contact with Lord Clancarty and Air Vice Marshal Sir Victor Goddard (a former head of RAF Intelligence and outspoken UFO believer), in 1977 Terry, along with late colleague Franklyn A. Davin-Wilson, visited London for a meeting with Clancarty, Goddard and others having submitted a document calling for a National Aerospace Commission [NaComm].  Hooper was asked to mount an unofficial investigation into all aspects of the UFO phenomenon –a limited fund for travelling and living expenses was agreed upon.

In January,1978, the Anomalous Observational Phenomena Bureau (AOP B) began its work building up a data base on every aspect of UFOs –historical cases, trace, physiological and psychological, animal disturbance, EM cases and much more.  

Original members of the AOP B were:~

Graham F.N.Knewstub             [deceased]

Dave Cowdy                              [deceased]

Franklyn A.Davin-Wilson         [deceased]

Terry Hooper

Between 1978-1984 there was much unofficial assistance given to the Bureau by professional astronomers (some publicly sceptical), former members of the Armed Forces, Air Ministry, Ministry of Defence as well as serving members of the Armed Forces and Police Forces.  A network of UFO investigation & research groups was set up including GUFOI&RG (Gloucestershire), Wessex UFO I&R Group (Somerset), Wiltshire UFO I&R Team and so on.

Much of this cooperation continued well past the ‘closing’ of the Bureau in 1995, though Governmental changes in policy since then have restricted any cooperation. 

In 1984 a 2000 pages British Report On Unidentified Flying Objects [UFOs] was completed.  This was later reduced to 1500pp on editing.  Lord Clancarty, Sir Victor Goddard and others, including members of the House Of Lords UFO Study Group, stated that the Report was “…the closest thing the UK will ever have to a Project Blue Book”.

Although copies went to the Ministry of Defence and Sir Victor kindly passed copies on to former subordinates and ex-heads of RAF Intelligence, private UFO groups and Ufologists condemned the Report without even having seen the Summary offered.  The Report is currently being up-dated with more contemporary evidence being added.

Terry edited the in-house AOP Bulletin which it is hoped will re-appear in late 2006.

Apart from this work Terry has specialized, since 1974, on Close Encounters of the Third Kind/Entity cases and provided the data for BUFORA to contribute to Ted Bloecher’s HUM-CAT.  He has also written many articles on Ball Lightning, meteorites, astronomy, CE-3Ks and Alien Entity cases as well as reporting on UFO incidents (of which he has investigated approx. 2000 since 1974).

Terry re-opened the AOP Bureau on 1st January, 2006 to continue the original work, aligned to no other groups or investigators.

Current study includes cases involving non-humanoid alien-entities associated with UFOs, video footage evidence and continued study of “spooklight” phenomena.

Back in the 1970s Terry was also a consultant for the Kentucky UFO Investigators League, a member of the Society for the Investigation of The Unexplained (SITU), of which he operated a UK branch –investigating the Dead Aquatic Creatures of Canvey Island and other incidents.  

Terry also maintained links with Bigfoot/Sasquatch researchers  such as The Bay Area Group (BAG), Bigfoot Investigation Team, Dmitri Bayanov, etc..  Terry maintains files on lake and sea creatures, ghosts and most other unexplained or explained phenomena he has looked into –these include ghosts and hauntings.

Terry has written three books on unsolved/solved mysteries –Some Things Strange & Sinister (2009), Some More Things Strange & Sinister (2011), Pursuing The Strange And Weird (2012) as well as one book on Canids including UK mystery canids and the history of foxes –Red Paper: Canids (2010).  These (excepting the latter) contained some UFO material but his main works on CE3K/AE cases are in four books: UFO Contact:Looking For the Evidence of Alien visitation;  Unidentified -Identified: UFO Crashes and Alien Entity Encounters; , Contact! Encounters with Extra Terrestrial Entities?  and Beyond Contact: Aliens From Mind, Space and Time Terry has also edited and published six issues of the AOP Journal which is dedicated solely to accounts of CE3K/AE reports




Michigan UFO sightings witnesses and Gerald R. Ford's reaction, 1966

Monday, 25 July 2022

NASA FOIA Request Turns Up Two UFO Videos Sent to Administrator Bill Nel...

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Robert Emenegger on using actual footage from a UFO landing at Holloman ...

Books, Books and...More Books!


Pages  20
Binding Saddle Stitch
Interior Color (photographs)
Dimensions A4 (8.27 x 11.69 in / 210 x 297 mm)
UK £15.00

 In the United Kingdom new species of fauna have been introduced since Roman times and the number of species released or escaping into the countryside since 1900 has steadily increased. New species are filling in niches left by species extirpated by humans and these new species have, after 40+ years of observation created no problems.

Despite this the official policy of the UK Government and the Department for Environment Farming and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is to class such species "invasive" and trap and kill them as the opportunity arises.
This paper suggests that DEFRA needs to reassess its stance since it is impossible to exterminate all established "invasive species" -the New fauna now closely tied to the Old fauna,

The Girt Dog Of Ennerdale


Over 200 years ago, in 1810, sheep were being killed in the Ennerdale area of Cumbria.  The sheep were allegedly hardly eaten yet their blood had been drained and the killer responsible thwarted the efforts of organised hunts and terrified hounds.

What was the “Girt Dog” of Ennerdale?  Many theories abound from a paranormal creature called a “Mauler” to an escaped hyena , Tiger or even a Thylacine. Perhaps an unknown species of native British big cat?

The truth of what the “Girt Dog” was lies within the original accounts of the time.  Documents that modern writers appear to have never consulted.

A4 Format
358 pages
Heavily illustrated

After more than 40 years as an investigator and more than fifty as a naturalist,the author has opened some of the many files he has accumulated dealing with such things as..  

The Terrifying Events At The Lamb Inn, The Ghosts Of All Saints Church, Dead Aquatic Creatures of Canvey Island, captured bigfoot like creatures in India -all exclusively presented for the first time and with new added research previously unseen.  

PLUS a vastly expanded section on Spring-heeled Jack!  Photographs, maps, line drawings and up-dated to make 358 pages looking at Things truly Strange and Sinister.  

Cryptozoologist,Ghost Hunter,Ufologist or Fortean:this book has something for everyone -including the just plain inquisitive!   

ContentsForeword by Travis L. Whitehurst
de occultis non judicat ecclesia                                                                            
The Bristol Rocking Horse        
The Terrifying Events At The Lamb Inn        
The Coonian Ghost        
The Ghosts Of All Saints Church        
His Luminous Chamber        
The Late Reverend Dr. Blomberg        
And More Ghost Stories        
The Thomas B. Cumpston Case        
The Chupacabra        
The Strange Case Of The Gotherington Gargoyle        
What’s Tall,Hairy And Vanishes?        
Mystery Beasts Of Ireland        
The Creature Of The Dump        
The Strange Creature Of Repton Woods        
The Bizarre Legends,Crimes And Truth About Spring Heeled Jack        
The Black Beast Of Darmstadt        
The Nameless Thing Of Berkley Square        
The Terrifying Case Of The U.S. Naval Transport        
The Case Of The Ghost Lear Jet        
Ghost Planes,Crashes And Dead Aquatic Creatures        
The Mitchison Loch Ness Monster Video        
From The Deep Below To The Air Above –USOs        
Aerial Encounters Over Austria        
A Crashed UFO In 1790?        
Angel Hair        
Quimper-Corentin:Where “Thunder Fell”        
Strange Aliens From Space        
The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ And Other Crash Retrievals        
Transient Lunar Phenomena,Alien Structures And Moon Vegetation        
Whiddon Down-Saint-Jean-du-Guard:Impossible Correlations?        
The Venezuelan Horror
A Final Word.
Alleged piece of crashed UFO from Berwyn Mountains, Wales.

322 pages
Illustrated throughout

Follow-up to Some Things Strange & Sinister.  For those interested in Ufology, cryptozoology, hominology, unusual natural history, ghosts and mysteries in general.

The secret history of gorillas -before they were officially 'discovered' along with exclusive lost photographs.  

Wild men of Europe, the UK and US; from the bizarre to blood chilling. Hominology.

Giant snakes.  
The Giant serpent of Carthage
Girt Dog of Ennerdale.  
The Beast of Gevaudan. 
Crocodiles in the UK
Silent City of Alaska.

And much more.  Updated with extra pages and photographs.

240 pp
Profusely Illustrated with photographs and illustrations

UP DATE -From Dead Aquatic (Humanoid) Creatures, the giant squid and yet undiscovered sea creatures; submarine and ships crews encountering true leviathans. This is a fully expanded section which also refers to the so-called ‘Ningen’ sightings and video footage.

Extinct animals at sea that have been re-discovered.

The subject of Sasquatch and other mystery Hominids around the world is dealt with including a look at the “Sasquatch-killer”, Justin Smeja. Dr. Bryan Sykes and his DNA test results for TVs The Bigfoot Files as well as the controversial Erickson Project and Dr. Melba Ketchum’s even more controversial Sasquatch DNA test results.

Also included are two early French UFO entity cases that still baffle.

Ghosts, strange creatures and the Star-Child hoax. All dealt with by the naturalist and pursuer of the strange and weird


Below cover for smaller format version

Strange & Mysterious Beasts is the smaller format book while Mysterious & Strange Beasts is the standard larger A4 format.

 some of the contents:
The Monster of the Forest of Mouliere  
The Beast of Lyonnais  
The Beast of Cevennes, Gard and Vivarais     
The Beast of Sarlat   
The Beast of Gevaudan    
British Man Beasts    
Bigfoot and Werewolves in the West Midlands   
The Strange Creature in Repton Woods  
Bigfoot Returns – To Kent!      
The Curious and Frightening Case of the Hull Werewolf      
The Gnome of Girona    
The Caponi Close Encounters and Photographs      
Return of the Shark Killing Thing –a Possible Identification   
The Dingellchough Mystery Creature 
The Unidentified Corfu Sea Creature          
Strange Sea Creature Found In Persian Gulf    
The Devil of Gatagon     
The Supernatural Invasion: Slender-man and Black Eyed Kids   
The Sheep Killer of Niali     
Mystery Creature of the Bay of Flamanville  
Things Caught on Camera –Fact and Fiction   
The Bat Creatures     
The Owl-man  
The British Pig-man and Snake-man   
The Pictish Beast             
Shunka Warak'in –A Hyena Too Far?  
The Chupacabra

530 pages
illustrated with maps, photographs and more
A4 format

Since 1947 it has been claimed that UFOs/flying saucers are evidence of aliens visiting the Earth.  Since the 1950s claims of encounters with landed craft and alien beings were talked about but not taken seriously.

In the 1960s the subject of UFO abduction was a "slow-burner" until the whole "Grey" abduction phenomenon and claims made by researchers such as Budd Hopkins, Prof. John Mack and Dr David Jacobs and Whitley Streiber.

But is there evidence to back up any of the claims -and what about those encountering Alien Entities but who were not abducted?

Are these people all hoaxers, psychotic or suffering from some other mental illness as some claim?

Are those people who were exposed by Ufologists against their wishes, people who wanted to report what happened and then just get back to their everyday lives -thrust into the media glare against their will?

And if US authorities were so interested that in one case at least they broke into the home of two abductees and this was later proven -why?

Why did a hard core of these people never want publicity or to make money from what happened to them?

Above all, why did a major UFO landing incident take place on a US Inbterstate road in front of a large number of observers (all willing to talk to investigators) never get investigated? If it were not for a radio presenter interviewing and taking notes we would know nothing of the case -it would be labelled "insubstantial".

James and Coral Lorensen -the Scopolamine Kids; using a very notorious "truth drug" on alleged UFO witnesses and selling stories to newspapers.  An investigator (a veteran) showing a witness images of "aliens" encountered in other cases before any memories were retrieved.  Worst of all, the constant "pissing competition" and breaches of trust between UFO investigators.

2017 is the time to assess the past evidence and look at the faults within Ufology.

Not everyone is going to be happy -debunkers or ufologists.

Praised by Dr Mark Rodheiger of the Centre for UFO Studies and, below, John Hanson of the Haunted Skies Project and Colonel Charles Halt the officer involved in the Rendlesham incident.

Terry Hooper-Scharf
220 pages
perfect bound
Fully illustrated with photographs and illustrations
£20.00 (excl. VAT)

The follow up to the comprehensive book "UFO Contact?" The Author spent 1974 to 2018 specializing in the investigation and research of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3K) and alien entity cases; the former involving an Unidentified Flying Object and the latter, apparently, involving none. Previously unreported cases as well as 'lost' cases are looked at as well as the possibility that some percients suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after their encounters

A must read for those with a serious interest in UFOs Some of the contents:

 The Nottinghamshire UFO Crash of 1987…or 1988                                     
 The Llandrillo ‘Saucer’ and Berwyn Mountains ‘UFO’ Crash Retrieval   
 Strange Pennsylvania Entity Encounter                                                         
 UFO Abductees and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome                               
 The UFO That Landed On A US Highway                                                     
 My Encounters With The Men In Black                                                         
 A Previously Un-noted Alien Entity Type                                               
 Early 20th Century UK Close Encounters of the Third Kind                       
 Close Encounter with a Boggart                                                                      
 Some Odd and Unusual Cases                                                                         
 Rosa Lotti and the Happy Entities                                                                  
 The Strange Case of the Woollaton Gnomes and the Mince-pie Martians 
 What Happened on the Isle of Wight and at Felixstowe?                             
 The ‘Lost’ Belgian UFO Landing Case                                                        
 Strange Aliens from Outer Space?                                                              
 Encounter with Black Aliens and Landed UFO                                 
 Preliminary UK CE3K/Alien Entity Catalogue        

Profusely illustrated with photos and maps

The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) says that we may have to wait many thousands of years before any signals sent gets a response if they are detected.

The real SETI may already have established the there is alien life –and it has been visiting Earth for at least 70 years.

Once the mass of reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and entity encounters are sifted there remains a strong core of cases that defy logical explanation and suggest that these encounters have resulted in physiological effects and post traumatic stress.

Terry Hooper-Scharf of the CE3K/AE Project has led research into these reports for over 40 years and in this work takes a look at rare or obscure reports as well as cataloguing encounters from Germany and Portugal and focuses in on correlations in the reports and how the Dandenong (Kelly Cahill) encounter could be the best case ever reported.

Have the serious investigators and researchers looking into UFOs been unearthing better evidence of extra terrestrial life and contact with humans than established SETI ?



350 pp

Fully illustrated containing photographs and maps


Beyond UFO Contact i the fourth book in the groundbreaking series looking at reports of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Alien-Entity reports from around the world and reassessing these. In addition there is a look at the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligences (SETI) and its relevance to the UFO phenomenon. 

contents list: 

Introduction: The Path of Counter-Actuality 

1. Dionisio Llanca: Truck Driver, UFO Abductee and Human Guinea Pig 

2. Aliens -What Can We Expect? 

3. The Moreland Incident 

4. It Is All Fake: Ufology Needs To Be Reassessed 

5. Warminster UFOs and Entity Reports 

6. Have Things Changed Since 1977? 

7. The Beausoleil Cas -Even Aliens Like Theatre 

8. The Pwca 

9. Contact...with the Vegetable Alien 

10. The Casitas Dam UFO Photograph and Entity 

11. The Crystal Lake Encounter 

12. The Humanoids at South Riverand the Luczkowich Encounter 

13. Harrison Bailey 

14. Sonny DesVerger 

15. The UFO "Borderline"-The Imjarvi Skiers 

16. Some Interesting Reports to Note 

17. Dead Aliens in Photographs 

18. Ufology, Government Cover Ups and Disclosure 

19. The Reports That You Might Not Want To Look Into 

20. Conil de la Frontera -a Credible Report? 

21. Eighteenth Century Aliens? 

22. Clearview Ranch 

23. The Pat McGuire Case 

24. Piero Fortunato Franzetta 

25. The Silbury Hill Encounter 

26. The Bridge Abduction 

27. The Bagshot Heath UFO Incident 

28. Lurkers and Alien Disinterest 

29. What If YOU See Aliens Land? 

30. So What Would YOU Do If You Encountered A Landed UFO?




£9. 50

1973 –Year of the “Global UFO Wave” 
1973 –The “Year of the Humanoids” 
1973 –The year of the Pascagoula alien abduction claim 
1973 –Several witnesses observed two Unidentified Flying Objects: one temporarily landed on a US Interstate road while the other hovered close-by. An entity appeared from the landed object. A car driver approaching from the opposite direction stops, turns his/her car and races off. This is classed as a Major Incident in Ufology. 
1973 –a driver observes a landed UFO and entities and opens fire with his gun when he felt threatened. A High Strangeness account. 
Neither of these cases was investigated despite requests for local investigators to do so. Even in 2020 the idea of opening up either as a cold case was flatly Rejected by America’s ‘top UFO investigation’ group. 
Reports now probably lost to history. 
1973 –a year in which UFO reports from African-Americans were frowned upon and ignored. Nothing has changed.

A must-have for anyone interested in comic history?

From a huge selection of interviews covering the Small Press, Independent and mainstream Comics from the UKEurope and US. Here are a few of the best interviews from 30 years.

Perfect Bound
A4 (cms 20.98 wide x 29.69 tall)
365 pages
profusely illustrated with art and photographs.
ISBN  9781326210113
Prints in 3-5 business days

 Someone referred to it as “Comics 101” –background info on creators, how they got started, what tools and even paper/board they use.  Damn near damaged my wrist because it is a BIG book. And Who exactly is interviewed in this book?

Karen Rubins  -The Dark, The Witch and other books

Alan Class        -the man behind the Class Comics series

Kate Glasheen -the incredibly talented artist on Hybrid Bastards, Bandages and other works

Tom Pinchuck -writer of Hybrid Bastards

Dave Ryan       -the artist/writer behind War of The Independents

Jon Haward    -UK artist who worked of Tales of the Buddha, Dan Dare and more

Ron Fortier     -the man behind Mr Jig-Saw and Airstrip 27 books

Michael Cho  -creator of Max Finder Mysteries and some really cool art

Then there are a bunch of interviews related to The Black Coat that was published by Ape Entertainment -Francavilla may be a name familiar to DC and Marvel comic fans these days:

Jeremy Colwell
Ben Lichius
Adam Cadogan
Franco Frankavilla

The comic character Gumby also returned to comics and that created another series of interviews titled: The Gumby Interviews (Gumby, himself, was never interviewed)

Mel Smith
Paul H. Birch
Rick Geary

Joe Martino -from Ripperman to Shadow Flame

Yishan Li    -Seriously, do I have to explain who Yishan Li is? DCs Blue Beetle, the Buffy comic and much more!

Pekka Manninen -As far as I am concerned, Finland's top comic creator and I'm not saying that because I am the UKs top Kapteeni Kuolio (Captain Gangrene) fan!

Lauren Watton -Pink Apple Jam and Sweatdrop Studios

Willie Hewes      -Amaranth and Itch! Publishing

Emma Vieceli     -come on. Star of stage and musicals not to mention one of the UKs top Manga artists -Manga Shakespeare, Dragon Heir and more.

Sonia Leong      -another noted UK Manga artist whose credits include Romeo and Juliet for Manga Shakespeare.

Nick Defina -the man behind Septagon Studios and Scorn

Donna Barr  -The Desert Peach and so much more that you can check up on at her Midnight Library blog.  She's a comic book Goddess.

Roberta Gregory -The other comic book Goddess and pioneering female creator.

Roberta created Bitchy Bitch and many other characters.

Jeff Brooks  -the man behind the UK editions of Classics Illustrated

Matt (D'Israeli) Brooker -from zines to "proper comics" including Deadline in the 1980s

Tania Del Rio -Sabrina the teenage Witch and more for Archie Comics

Holly Golightly -Broadsword Comics, Archie, Schoolbites and much more

Vanessa Wells -superb creator of a comic I loved titled Shrouded and much more these days -

Marv Wolfman -Yes. The Marv Wolfman.

Morag Lewis -another UK Manga artist who worked with Sweatdrop Studios

The Etherington Brothers -if you've ever been to a good UK event you will have seen the duo behind Malcolm Magic, The 8th Moon Sketchbook,  Moon and more.

Nicole Damon -CBOs favourite fantasy art model. Nicole has worked with Ben Uriegas, Loprenzo Sperlonga, Greg Hildebrandt and others.

Olivier Cadic -the man who brought Franco-Belgian comics to the English language readers via Cinebook The 9th Art!  Everything you need to know.

Mike Western -"The Guv'nor" of British comics with strips such as The Wild Wonders, The Leopard From Lime Street and so many more to his name they would need a book to list.

John Cooper -Again, a creator who worked on many UK comic strips from Judge Dredd, One-Eyed Jack, Johnny Red and many others