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Saturday 4 July 2020

It Will All Go Up In Smoke One Day!

I have previously shown some of my CE3K/Alien Entity files and that is a lot of paperwork. I put nothing on computer. Most of it is in my head but these files contain details and as many references to these reports are essential.

However this paperwork is nothing compared to the paperwork for my Report on Unidentified Flying Objects (report issued 1984).

Below is a photo of the unedited notes (part 1)

 Below the unedited notes parts 1 and 2 together -got my hand in one shot to show scaling

There are similar (bulky) files: Unidentified Orbital Objects (UOO), Astronomers and UFOs, Signals from Space and so on.  We are talking over 40 years of intense work and the only reason I have a full UOO, Signals and astronomers files is because the late Franklyn A. Davin-Wilson who I worked with on some of the reports, passed them on to me prior to his death.

The Report files are all typewritten from (in many cases) dozens and on occasions 20-30 hand written notes.  All sources were checked, double and triple checked and certain reports had many more checks because "Harry told Bert that he'd seen a big glowing disc cross the sky" in a source is not useable.

Below: Inside part 1 and the date "1984" is shown to indicate completion of work in that year.

 Below: Yes, corrections to reports were made in red ink as "A red slow moving flying saucer moved across the sky" is not what the original source states: "A red disc flashed across the heavens" -a meteorite sighting was changed by ufologists into a constructed alien craft.
 Below: the colour section dividers indicate how each section dealt with a specific period since AD 1 to 1945 covers a very long period of time so AD 1 -1475, 1600-1799 and so on.
 Below: I use Post Its a lot! In books I tend to add them to correct facts that authors have twisted, added to or outrightly lie about cases (my bookshelf probably has more post it notes than actual books). In The Report I used them to note a recurring feature in reports so there are ones on "Objects in/out of the sea" and "UFOB?" referring to possible constructed craft. That way I could refer back to similar cases without going through thousands of pages to try and find them.
Inside part 2 which is the edited down version after all the misidentifications and fake reports have been removed.

Below: clearly some reports survived but AD 16-1799 was covered by one section now.

I used to get up and start work at 06:00 hrs and often went on until 02:00 hrs. I have found memories of the old typewriters (4) I use over the 1977-1984 period.

Below: This type of thing became common. Fake accounts accepted as factual (and still are over 36 years later). "Exclude" in this case concerns the William Robert Loosley report.

It may very well be very boring to many but there are pages of references to the reports cited after each chapter.  Davin-Wilson told me that he had always been taught "Check as many sources as you can and see if they match up but always check the original account or contact the witness".  This is I did though, of course, no time machine being available I could not go back and talk to observers in the 2nd, 3rd or 18th centuries!

Desmond Leslie was found to be one of the biggest "fibbers" in ufology but it was while doing this work that I lost all faith in the work of the 'scientific' researcher and I was more than disappointed in Jacques Vallee.  His work soon lost all credibility and yet to myself and others very seriously interested in the subject it had been a sort of "Bible" and we often cited it. In 1982 it became just another ufologists book.

So with all these huge files and real research and investigation I came up with The Report which was read by Lord (Brinsley) Clancarty and other members of the House of Lords UFO Study Group, one or two "former" defence chiefs and there was certainly a copy at the Ministry of defence (and a copy made of that as I found out from a Squandron Leader Colin Tarr).

What will happen to all of this work and my book and journal collection when I die?  Arthur Constance, Ivan T. is a de[pressingly long list so I'll stop there. Arthur Constance, like Sanderson, had work cherry picked by all and sundry and the rest dumped in bins as refuse. Thousands of notes and unpublished articles incinerated somewhere. Sanderson was having his files pilfered while he was dying. My family has made it very clear that, since they have absolutely no interest in my work, that my files will go into the burner and similar for books they cannot sell. Fair enough -I won't be here to argue.

There is a lot of work to continue with, however, the files are never dead ones unless a hoax or other explanation can be found.

I had hoped that the books would help fund continued research (they are all deleted when I curl up my toes) but noone buys books.  The files continue to be added to where I can but without support not a lot else I can do.

But there is a glimpse into some of the files I have.

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