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Monday 21 September 2020

The Fact May Be That The "Sea Monsters" Of Old Are No More

I have had to come to some grim conclusions. 

In my lengthy post from 2019 "Humans Have Probably Killed Off 'Sea Monsters'", which can be found via the link below, I looked at the history of reports as well as the environmental changes taking place in our hydrosphere -specifically the seas and oceans. 

While the armchair 'experts' with reputations built over expensive luncheons and shouting at students who dare ask a question that made them think, others were studying reports of unknown sea creatures. It was even noted in newspapers that reports of "sea Serpents" increased over a certain few months at certain locations. A migratory route. People went out to see if they could spot the beasties -rather like people walking shorelines today keep a look-out for whales.  

Yes, we have discovered a large number of sea creatures since the 19th century and while some may match descriptions of the old 'sea monsters' we are left with reports that cannot be put down to Oar Fish (Agrostichthys parkeri or Regalecus glesne or Regalecus russelii-those popular “explainer aways”. Nor can they be identified as giant squid (Architeuthis dux) or even giant octopuses. 

There may be some rare smaller sea creatures –that is animals below the length of 20 feet (6m). These may be living in less well travelled waters or areas of waters where humans have not intruded to a heavy degree. 

For the past 20 (yes, twenty) years I have contacted anyone and everyone I can to see whether they are hearing of or receiving new reports of sea creatures. I have put appeal after appeal up on social media and on this blog requesting that anyone who might know of a report forward it or a link. 

The response has been...non-existent. Nothing. Not a word. Obviously faked You Tube videos are not evidence of anything other than the way that the internet has allowed hoaxers and frauds to expand their ‘game’ more. 

Yes, I do check new You Tube videos because, though they may be a time waste totally dismissing clips “could” lead to missing something intertesting. 

People still sail around the world. People go on cruises. There are more cameras around now than ever before so why are there no new reports? 

People scared of being laughed at? Well, in this day and age they can send a video clip and details to a museum or oceanographic organisation of their choosing and ask “Have you any idea what this might be?”  

A simple, non-sensationalist request. 

Instead we have nothing.  

The claims that museums cover-up reports is somewhat ludicrous. The idea that an oceanographic research organisation studying marine life is going to cover-up footage of a genuine unidentified creature is equally ludicrous. Such a video clip would almost guarantee them new research funds and much needed publicity. 

Perhaps all those sea creature reports from the past were the last vestiges of a population of creatures now extinct. We have no way of knowing because, despite official reports of such creatures from the British Royal Navy and others, no scientist has bothered to collect the data and study it and draw conclusions. 

It is very sad to think that the ‘sea monsters’ of old may no longer be with us. Like species of land animals now gone, we had our chance to study them but on;ly bemoaned the fact that we did not after they were gone. 


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