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Wednesday 13 January 2021

No one.

posted on the CE3K blog

At 0330 hrs I sat looking at the CE3K/AE files as well as files containing more of my 40+ years of research and asked myself, seriously: "Would anyone be the poorer is all of this paper was just burnt?"

I have tried, repeatedly ad nauseum, to get people to seriously look at the UFO data or data of "strange creatures".  You see there are thousands of reports in the CE3K/AE files and I am trying to add to them since many hundreds of reports are simply newspaper clippings and no Ufologist ever investigated them in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s or 1990s because it was easier to accept them than do real work.

This is why Ufology never was and never will be a science of anything. It has become entertainment turning over and over the same stories and same false conspiracies. What has it done with its "Millions of credible UFO reports"? Probably 95% of which can be dismissed.  Where are all the analysis results?  

Why in just three days of collecting thousands of reports each on a slip of paper (no computers back then) could I categorise two different phenomena as well as a burgeoning file of fake, hoax and misidentified reports that Ufologists KNEW were such back in the 1950s but continue to cite as evidence in 2021?

I sat down and studied CE3K/AE reports and studied psychology, medical conditions and read books by authors in the field that are very pertinent to cryptozoology, UFOlogy as well as the paranormal. Strange, weird and 'unexplainable' reports began to be not so strange nor unexplainable.

Back in 1983, when the several hundred pages final UFO Report was offered to top Ufologists they all rejected the offers. NBot willing to read anything (even fully referenced) that might challenge their positions and the lucrative TV or magazine deals. Ditto the United States where "We cannot accept the report as you are not a member" was the standard get lost.  Unlike Hopkins and Jacobs I was putting the work up for peer review. THAT is how science works.

My books on CE3K/AE cases are there for peer review.

As I get older I sereiously ask what the point of all the work is. Vallee is the "elder statesman of Ufology" yet his books and work have included known false data since day 1. Ted Phillips' Physical Traces catalogue as well as the Webb HUM CAT catalogues contain known hoaxes, misidentifications etc.  Just adding more and more reports to a data base does not make it accurate or worth anything: every report has to be checked and checked again until it can be categorised and added to a data base.

These files of Unidentified Orbital Objects, Astronomers & Astronauts and UFOs, Mysterious Signals from Space and much, much more are sitting here. Once I am kicking up daisies I know all of this will go up in smoke since no one in my family has the slightest interest and it is all "useless clutter".  Let others get hold of it and benefit from my decades of work?  No. 

Face it; no one is interested in commenting here.  No one wants to buy the books or the AOP Journal. If there was genuine interest then I should be doing fine right now instead of posting to myself.

I've asked people to help fund ongoing work and enable me to find a permanent home for the archives. Nothing.

This summer, when the other material stored in a dried place until it can be incinerated are disposed of I will make the decision on the day. No debate I will just take the files out and burn everything.

Who will miss the files? The Reports in them?  Certainly not any of the 10,000 plus blog visitors. No one.

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