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Saturday 2 January 2021

Project 2021-Photographic

 There is one thing that people involved in Ufology or Phenomenon research have forgotten to utilise in their attempts at "getting to the truth".

Firstly, as I noted in the 1980 (Restricted) and later 1983 UFO Report, there are two main phenomena we need to look at. 

1) UNP -Uninvestigated (Scientifically) Natural Phenomenon which has little to do with "Earth Lights" as theorised by some and is unconnected with storm created ball lightning. I have witnessed UNP on several occasions once at a distance of 200+ yards (200+ metres) and once at a ditance of 10 feet (3m) to 200 ft (60m) and in the latter case I was able to closely observe the phenomenon and what I saw tunned me.

2) UFOBs (Unidentified Flying (seemingly constructed craft) OBjects)  No, I have never seen one of these (sadly). Daylight Discs or Nocturanal Lights whether CE1K or CE2K could well be 1) above and "port windows" are not necessarily windows in a craft.  For this reason observations have to be double and triple checked and it is why I concentrate more on CE3K because entities (whether biological/ biomechanical or mechanoid) cannot operate within a natural light phenomenon and we reason, logically, that if entities are seen entering or leaving an object then it must be some form of constructed craft.

Hopefully, if I live through 2021, The UFO Report will answer many questions and this from a report  compiled almost 40 years ago that many Ufologists (including some very well known ones) refused to even consider looking at.

Back in the 1970s Terry Cox, who if I remember correctly, was based in Cornwall, began using infra red photography and we were talking about this at a Trowbridge UFO event in the 1970s.  Before that there was Trevor James Constable using infra red photography to capture images of "Critters".  Then we have the photographs from Cluj, Romania reported on by Florin Gheorghita (see Flying Saucer Review vol. 15, no. 6, 1969 as well as UFOs From Behind the Iron Curtain by Hobana and Weverbergh). Today, photography and different processes are open to all interested in using them.

Above: from Cluj

At its peak of activity there were said to have been several thousand photos taken of UFOs by Bob Strong and Arthur Shuttlewood had his own record breaking number -none were properly analysed and one has to ask where all of these photographic images went? Again, Flying Saucer Review discused some Warminster photographs (vol. 16 no. 4, 1970) but the editors and writers over the years either screamed "authentic!" or "Fraud!" or even went back and forth on their arguments. Unfortunately, Warminster had a major problem and that was the fact that too many people were trying to out-do each other to get into Shuttlewood's "inner circle" (and Shuttlewood was not a hoaxer but firmly believed what he reported).

Above: "Critters"

One might ask why no group -I believe that there is still a group looking at Warminster and its UFO history- has set up cameras around Cradle Hill to see what goes on when no one is there? Trail or Game cam with date/time tamp might be useful and with the right SD card could be placed out on Mondays and collected on a Sunday and cards checked before they are placed out again. This could be supplimented by people with adequate photographic gear to go out on a "sky watch"  but just take IR or Ultra Violet photographs every few minutes. Boring, yes. May yield no results, yes. But, if something wa recorded and those photographs could be analyzed properly then that might yield important data.

"I wish I could but I'm in Yorkshire" -well, you can do the same type of thing where ever you are and if you are in current lockdown and have a garden (even if you are in a flat (apartment) but have a clear view of the sky from your windows or balcony you can take part) then try this yourself. Just make sure you can get data on the weather/temperature each time you put out cameras and all the necessary technical info.

When I first started seeing "orb" photos appearing and it became a craze (rather as "rods" did later on) I took my digital camera and found out how easy it was to photograph "orbs" and one photo contained (I counted them) 150 "orbs".

So why shouldn't anyone do what I did but do so looking at UFOs/critters or whatever you want to call the things shown in these photos?

A field of orbs! (in my kitchen no less)

Just because you are not a doctor, professor or possess any other university qualifications does not mean you are excluded from science projects and in recent years the term Citizen Scientist has cropped up in a lot more research because before universities and doctorate it was the ordinary man and woman who became curious and started noting things down and from there the "paid professionals" took the data and used it in their scientific fields.

If we want more established scientific people to look at UFOs (whichever) more seriously then the best way to do so is to slap a file of photographs with analyses down in front of them and say; "There. Chew on it."

UK, USA, Canada, Australia, France, India -where ever you are you can try this.

My guess is that very few if any will. And that would be a great pity.

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