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Thursday 29 September 2022

It's All Dead

 Over the last few weeks I have been pulling out a lot of stops and, while the view numbers have increased (along with the stealing and use of original work by others for their blogs) the absolute lack of any response to posts is depressing.  Not even any interest in the books or AOP Journals and yet trash sells and people are happy to hear false stories and fakery online.

The Some Things Strange & Sinister page on Face Book gets updated regularly.

But after all of these years (well over a decade)it has gotten to the point where I am just going to leave this blog as it is because updating so others can steal work is not exactly 'rewarding'.  And I have a PC that replaced the old one and is also on its final legs and I had hoped that book sales might cover a new PC. Sales are at zero for the books as well as AOP Journal.

"Put them on Amazon -they'll sell there!"  No. They do not sell on Amazon because some were on Amazon until I removed them. You see a book costing £25.00 you think I would get a healthy profit from but Amazon takes a MAJOR cut and one of the £20.00 (just go £ =$) book sale earned me 75p/75c I would need to sell a hell of a lot to make just the cover price of one copy of that book -you do the math. The AOP Journals I would need to sell hundreds of copies of each issue to even make a noticeable "profit".  Those are the facts of publishing and it has to be self publishing because most publishers who pay for original work lost their spines decades ago.

Original video content for this blog never garnered one comment of interest and even trying Patreon etc failed miserably with 00.00 £/$ and I even put a PayPalMe box to donate to keep the blog going and try -TRY- to get more content.


Go to the FB page -there is one for the Anomalous Observational Phenomena also. I seriously believe research and interest in factual reporting is dead.

So is blogging.

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