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Monday, 27 July 2020

So What Next?

I have gotten ridof Face Book pages and three blogs.

In all honesty, as I've said before, npo one supplies new reports and no one wants to help support the blog...well, no interest I guess despitethe number of views climbing.

I have things to do and can't afford this any more. Saturday this blog is closed.

Since 2011 everyone regularly visiting -over 400, 000 as of today- has been asked to help support the work.  No one ever has. So time to go.

Sunday, 19 July 2020

A Look Inside The USA CE3K/AE files

The CE3K/AE files began as summaries in my note books back in 1974. By 1975 I realised that the only way to make sense out of what I was reading was to do what any scientific researcher does: gather reports to create a data base from which to work. Initially the report summaries were kept in cardboard folders but as the number expanded everything was moved into document folders and when they became too small everything was moved to Lever Arch Files.

In the case of the United States the over bulging file has now become two files -1900-1969 and 1970-

Each of the note tabs indicates a report.

For many, looking inside the files might be a disappointment -not that anyone else has viewed these files in 30 years or more other than myself!  We start with the still accepted (by ufologist bunkomen) as factual Kansas cow-napping. Interestingly, this case only appear after cattle-mutilations became a "UFO thing",

We then have the "Flatwoods Monster" case and I have to state here and now that the only report, based on immediate investigations, I accept is that of Ivan T Sanderson. Many claimed to have "been there" but each gives a varying account and as is traditional in the United States, the case has since escalated into a full blown money making fantasy with nothing to do with the original report. Yes, small towns need to survive and bring in money these days but what 'researchers' have done is unforgivable and does nothing but make the incident a joke and good fodder for debunkers.

Of course the Kelly case has had similar treatment but luckily there were people who were seriously interested and looked into the report at the time.

An extreme rarity. A note showing that a report has been transferred to the High Strangeness File. That only happens when I try to actually logically debunk a report that has passed every check yet still seems genuine. "It was owls!" just does not work!

This is what you will find a few thousand pages of in all the files -typed up notes from books, magazines etc.  In the image above you will see the initial scribbled hand notes.  Every file has to start somewhere!

And Skinwalker Ranch was not the first by a long measure to claim UFO visits and phenomena

Ann B Druffel' work on Dapple Gray Lane is a classic case study -as was her work on alleged missing foetus cases.

Below is one of the initial report summaries written by hand in the mid 1970s. At a suggestion an attempt was made to use a code to identify an object shape (if any) and encounter category -this one was G5 and I have no idea after 40 years what that meant.  I threw the system out as unworkable and just opted for CE3K or AE.

If I removed each report tab for a case that was never investigated by ufologists there would probably only be 20-25 case reports left.  Many were accepted and repeated (still are) ad nauseum by UFO hacks based on a single newspaper clipping or very brief summary.  In some cases even the initial 'investigators' did this. Not evidence.

Where a percipient actually asked to try regression hypnosis they were often told "cannot afford it!"

Below -camera is on its way out but this shows hand notes -brief- and those notes contain ALL the info there ios on a report.

The 1975 Stonehenge, NY case. Much of Hopkins' later abduction work has been cast into doubt and the only reason this is still an open file is because of the name, work and reputation of Ted Bloecher.  Chunky file entry.

Official UFO and UFO Magazine in the 1970s came up with a lot of reports that were pure sensationalist tabloid style. Some I found that the original investigator did not exist.  Nor did the location they were supposed to live in. One report from India was looked at for me by Jal N D Chata and even the local police helped out but could only report that no American (the original source said to be a ufologist working in India) had ever lived in a non existent road given as his home location!

Other reports were sensationalised almost beyond recognition

Some entries such as the Liberty, Kentucky case below, carry heavy criticism of the investigators who showed little care for the percipients -Leo Sprinkle being the exception.

The Lee Parrish case was never properly investigated and it seems that the investigators may have scared off the percipient. Even this year I have had a Spanish ufologist asking the most ridiculous questions to debunk the report.

Oh look -another ranch with UFO activity, phenomena and contact -almost all to berepeated later at Skinwalker Ranch.

No UFO but an unexplainable entity sighted in 2017 in Pennsylvania. There are claims of other similar reports.  Without talking to the main witness or others nothing can be concluded so interesting but not evidence even if the witness was a policeman.

Old reports are constantly added to so what began as notes 30 or 40 years ago tend to expand into pages now.

Yes, looking at page after page of text must seem pretty boring to most people.  Those who live in the fantasy world of millions of people being abducted by aliens every year and a veritable legion of alien types would call all of this "cover stories" -created by the aliens or someone else.

But if you want facts then I have books!

Friday, 17 July 2020

All Time Top Ten AOP Posts

Remember you can find much, much, much more in my books!


Strange & Mysterious Beasts

Below cover for smaller format version

Strange & Mysterious Beasts

I was told that it was probably a good idea not to reveal all of the contents of the new book. Fair enough. It is 324 pages with lots of photographs.  If you have read one of my previous books then I will point out that this new look at the chupacabra is expanded on.  I have managed to draw some conclusions on certain previously unidentified beasts. 

I am guessing that the conclusions in the chapter on the Shunka Warak'in and the famous stuffed and mounted specimen are going to really upset some cryptozoologists.

In High Strangeness and UFO Contact? I looked at the faults in Ufology and how the subject needed drastic overhauling and I do the same here regarding mystery animal research which seems to be full of charlatans and liars out to make money rather than look for the truth. I try to give anyone approaching the subject matter some advice and guidelines but 'cryptozoology' and 'cryptozoologist' are two words they ought not to use.

Strange & Mysterious Beasts is the smaller format book while Mysterious & Strange Beasts is the standard larger A4 format.

IGNORE the "only ships from North America" as that is just a site message error

I need to point out that, much though I really do want to avoid this, US taxes are not leaving me much in the way of profit from sales.  I really do not want to increase book prices since I think that at the moment they are fair (considering what a purchaser gets and the amount of my work that gets plagiarized).  I am told that it has to be an option, however, I have until 1st February, 2018 to decide.

Anyway, enough publisher waffle, here are some of the contents:
The Monster of the Forest of Mouliere  
The Beast of Lyonnais  
The Beast of Cevennes, Gard and Vivarais     
The Beast of Sarlat   
The Beast of Gevaudan    
British Man Beasts    
Bigfoot and Werewolves in the West Midlands   
The Strange Creature in Repton Woods  
Bigfoot Returns – To Kent!      
The Curious and Frightening Case of the Hull Werewolf      
The Gnome of Girona    
The Caponi Close Encounters and Photographs      
Return of the Shark Killing Thing –a Possible Identification   
The Dingellchough Mystery Creature 
The Unidentified Corfu Sea Creature          
Strange Sea Creature Found In Persian Gulf    
The Devil of Gatagon     
The Supernatural Invasion: Slender-man and Black Eyed Kids   
The Sheep Killer of Niali     
Mystery Creature of the Bay of Flamanville  
Things Caught on Camera –Fact and Fiction   
The Bat Creatures     
The Owl-man  
The British Pig-man and Snake-man   
The Pictish Beast             
Shunka Warak'in –A Hyena Too Far?  

The Chupacabra

How Big Is The USA CE3K/AE File?

To be honest I never count how manyt reports I have in any one file -I do not collect them like stamps.

There is a smaller folder but this is the main one...

1900-2019 and these do not include all the abductions "by Grays" cases since most of those can be dismissed.

The worrying thing is that almost 75% of reports were never inmvestigated.  Newsclipping reports were taken as factual and everything after that is just repeat, repeat and repeat. No investigation. Potentially a great deal of information lost.  I even had information on US cases that the Centre for UFO Studies did not know about.

Look at the folder.  What have we lost due to, initially, ufologists refusing to even look at CE3K/AE reports and then prejudices -yet the Hills and Walton have had their accounts repeated ad infinitum.

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Why Don't I Illustrate Strange Phenomena?

Someone said "It's odd you've never done any CE3K related illoes". CE3K -Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I accept that category but not CE4, 5 or whatever they are up to now.
 Below: the cover to the book Strange and Mysterious Beasts. I drew that.

 Below: one of the illoes from Some Things Strange & Sinister as well as this blog.

Well, if you look on the internet you will find quite a few of my illustrations -the Spanish "octopods" having been both badly coloured as well as badly traced. The latter I assume so they can call it their own work.  If it appears on the internet people will steal and use it without credit.

I was shocked that at least two had. I was not shocked when, after being told the case was a hoax by Spanish ufologists, that not one cast any doubt online as to case validity. The illoes are still out there.

Some illustrations have appeared on the AE/CE3K blog as well as here (where they were stolen from). Most were used to illustrate what a witness was describing or for various chapters such as the 17th Century abduction.

The Girt Dog of Ennerdale book was designed to be easily read and incluides a number of illustrations because, not surprisingly, the early 1800s is fairly unknown to most people today so illoes help.

I've also produced illustrations for the AOP Journal, particularly the covers.

So I HAVE produced the illustrations but unless you read the blog, books or publications you just have not seen them so to ask why I "do not" is pretty pointless.

With the above A4 illustration I once rejected two offers from people wanting to buy it -one for £50 andthe other for £80 but I refused.  Buying the artwork  does not, as the two buyers thought, give you copyright to reproduce as and when you wish. It buys you ONLY ("only"!) the artwork.

So the work is out there -you just have to buy the publications!

All Rights Reserved (c)2020 Terry Hooper-Scharf